Chapter Fifteen

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Khloe walked through the front door that belonged to the animal clinic. She began to panic after hearing her brothers voice mail and couldn't help but think something happened to him. She couldn't live in a world without her brother. She walked through the reception which was laced with Mountain ash that kept the supernatural creatures from entering to see her brother standing by the door to the operating room. 

"What's going on?" she asked relieved he was okay "Just remember you feel what you feel" was all he told her "What the hell doe-Oh my god Theo!" she shouts pushing past Scott so she'd be by Theo's side "What the hell happened?" she yelled "Did my parents do this?" she adds where Scott gives a small shrug. 

"Did you know?" she asked her brother "No....I was kept out of the loop" he answers "why the hell would they do this?" she blurts out "because they want us dead!" Scott spat. Khloe took a deep breath and asked "Can you save him?" 

"You can reach him but you have to give in to your feelings.....Can you do that?" Logan mentions "I'll do anything to save his life" she shouts placing her hand onto his "But just so we're clear this....doesn't mean anything" she adds pointing between her and Theo. Scott heard as her heart beat skipped. 

Theo could feel himself slip away the second he got infected. The fact he was seeing his dead sister, seeing Tracy, Josh, everyone he ever killed told him he was dying "Theo?" he heard "Theo? Can you hear me?" He recognised the voice but couldn't figure out who it was "Theo if you're alive please do something..... do anything"

He wanted to shout. To scream the second he recognised her voice. Khloe. She was trying to reach him. He felt the traces of her fingers on his hands as she traced circles around his hands. He wanted to grab her hand. He wanted to feel her warmth. 

"I need you to show me a sign....Theo please" He heard as her voice started to break and he couldn't do anything about it, he felt frustrated "Please Theo come back to us.....C-Come back t-to m-me" she stutters. He felt as something hit his hands. A tear? His hand began to glow and he no longer felt empty...He felt alive.

Theo jumped up from the table and vomited blood over the floor. Khloe let a smile form on her lips the second Theo moved. He searched around the room until his eyes met hers "Y-You saved me?" he asked "Yes but now that I know you're alive. I have to go" Khloe blurts out hiding her sadness. 

"Wait....But I thought" he starts but decided not to continue "You thought wrong '' she said before leaving the room. She couldn't handle seeing him in pain. She couldn't handle her feelings any longer. She knew she needed to pick a side. She knew it would either be to give in or to let it eat her alive but she couldn't let herself be eaten alive no longer. 

She couldn't hide the way she felt about Theo no longer. She'd fallen in love with him. Deeply. What sort of Hunter falls for a Chimera? A stupid one she thought to herself. She knew she needed to deal with Kyle before she decided on what to do with Theo. Kyle was her main priority right now. 

Logan recognised the tone in Khloe's voice.....denial. It's how he felt when he met Gabrielle. He rushed out after her hoping she'd still be in the car park "You're in denial, You're denying your feelings" he blurts out "No I know how I feel but it can not happen" she snaps "I used to think that until I met Gabrielle" he tells her. 

"I'm not like you....I never will be" she mutters letting the tears fall from her eyes. Logan grabbed a hold of her hands and met her eyes "Just don't deny your feelings! You should tell him the truth because it's the right thing to do and you'll feel so much better for it" he started. 

"If you want him you go and get him. Screw the damn family legacy" he half-yelled. What Logan said made sense but was it really the right thing to do? Khloe wanted Theo more than ever. Maybe getting what she wanted and admitting her feelings was the right thing to do. 

Logan watched as his sister left the room in tears. He could see her pain. He could feel her hurting which was killing him on the inside. The fact Logan couldn't help his sister made him feel useless. He sighed and walked back into the room with half the McCall pack "What favour did you need?" Scott asked "Can we trust you?" Theo says "I wouldn't be here if you couldn't trust me" Logan started. 

"My girlfriend she's an Omega. I was hoping you'd protect her from my parents because it's impossible for me to protect her when they're around. I have a plan. I'm just waiting for Khloe to get her head around what she wants" Logan adds. 

Scott turned his head and looked at Theo who gave him a nod. He grabbed a piece of paper from the side and wrote down an address "Bring her to this address tomorrow night" he told Logan handing him the piece of paper. 

"Oh and Theo? Be patient she'll figure it out. She knows what she wants or shall I say who" Logan comments. He searched through the names in his contacts until he came across Gabrielle's 'I promised I'd keep you safe. The McCall pack will protect you. Meet me at Beacon Hill Preserve tomorrow evening x-L' 

Theo walked through the woods thinking about everything. Thinking about the Silvers. Thinking about the pack. Thinking about Khloe. Thinking about his feelings. He'd fallen in love with Khloe but he couldn't do anything about it. She'd made her feelings clear to him and deep down it broke every piece of his heart. 

He walked deeper and deeper into the woods hoping he wouldn't get caught by hunters. Kyle stabbed him for a reason so he was prepared to be dead. He was prepared to stay hidden until he knew it was the right time to reveal he's alive. 

Khloe walked back into the hospital eyes landing on Kyle's the second she walked in. She needed to keep calm about what happened to Theo. She needed to keep her cover. She gave Kyle a small smile but completely ignored him. She knew if she'd confront him she'd flip her lid and that was exactly what she didn't want to do.

She continued into the staff room and changed out of her uniform. There was no point in her staying to finish her shift now considering she only had 20 minutes left. Melissa would understand due to the fact she knew why she left in the first place. 

Her mind was consumed by Theo. He never left her head. He never left her thoughts. He never left her heart. Logan's words made her think. It made her question everything. She knew what she was gonna do. She knew who she was gonna choose. 

'I guess you were right. I know what I have to do -K' she sent to her brother. She wanted him to be the first to know the truth. Logan knew the second Khloe gave into her feelings he could start with his plan. He could take down his parents. He could take down Josie. He could take down Kyle and Charlie. 

The Hunters Weakness [1] Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now