Chapter Seventeen:

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'What's going on? You've been ignoring me? -K' Khloe looked at her phone to see the tenth message from Kyle. She'd had enough of him. He wouldn't get the hint 'You've been avoiding me since our second kiss....Did I do something wrong? -K' 'Come on Khloe....please answer me. What the hell have I done wrong? -k' 

'It's him....Isn't it? -K' Khloe began to panic. She couldn't let Kyle hurt him 'No you idiot! You killed him remember? -K' she sent back 'Then why the hell are you avoiding me? -k' he asked her 'Because I need my space too -K' 

Khloe threw her phone back into her pocket deciding to ignore Kyle again. She couldn't be bothered with him. She just wanted to be with Theo. Lucky Kyle wasn't at work today so Khloe could have a peaceful day without him pestering her. Well apart from him texting her. She heard her phone buzz in her pocket yet again. She sighed and took it out 'Am I safe? I mean is Kyle working? x-T' she read a text from Theo that made her smile 'He's not working but you still need to be careful x-K' 'Don't worry about me. I'm not worth it x-T' 'Don't you dare say that! You're worth it x-K' 'If I was worth it I wouldn't feel broken over a girl that doesn't want me x-T' 

Khloe felt this sudden pain in her chest. Heartbreak. She felt her heart breaking from not being with the guy she'd fallen in love with. She felt her heart break from his heart breaking. It was starting to destroy her. 

Josie walked through the hospital doors causing Khloe to have a shock. No she can't be here. Not now. Khloe thought to herself. She knew Theo would be coming to the hospital. If Josie saw him alive then Khloe would be dead. Why the hell would Josie come to the hospital? 

"What are you doing here?" Khloe asked her sister "I'm not here for you. Where's Kyle?" she says "I don't know and I don't care" she replies "You're useless. Don't let Kyle hear you say that. He thinks you're in love with him" Josie spat where Khloe threw her arms up in defence. 

"Says the one who can barely defend herself" Khloe laughed "I was shot in the leg" Josie Snaps "What do you expect? You went after Theo" Khloe blurted out instantly regretting her words. 

"Why do you care?" Josie asked her "I don't but clearly someone does" she mutters "Well whoevers protecting him will end up in a body bag next to him" Josie shouts. Khloe couldn't help but laugh at her words. She actually thinks she'd put Khloe in a body bag next to Theo. She actually thinks she'd be able to kill Theo. 

"How the hell is that funny?" Josie asked slightly raising her voice "Because you actually think you can kill someone? You of all people" Khloe mentioned "You have no idea what i'm capable of" Josie tells her "look I have to go" Khloe blurts out from the sight of Theo with Melissa. Josie followed her sister's gaze to Theo and let out a gasp. 

Khloe's eyes fell onto Theo's but he looked away a moment later. 'He hates me' she thought to herself. She quickly headed over towards the front desk and wrote on a piece of paper. Maybe she could change his mind. Maybe he didn't hate her. 

Khloe walked around the car park looking for his car until she came across his Toyota Tundra. What Khloe didn't know was that Josie had followed her due to her suspicious behavior. Khloe placed the note underneath the wipers on his front window. She took a deep breath and hoped for the best. 

The moment Khloe left the car pack Josie read the note letting a gasp out in shock. She didn't know who's truck it was but she was determined to find out. She headed over towards her car and sunk into her seat to wait. 

Shorly after Theo came out from the hospital taking the note from his truck. It read 'Meet me in the woods at 5pm' The note didn't say who it was from which left Theo questioning whether he should go or not. 

Josie couldn't believe her eyes "Theo damn Raeken!" she muttered to herself. Of course it all started to make sense to her now. Every Time they went after Theo, Khloe would disappear. Khloe would lie. Khloe would keep secrets. She was the one protecting him. Theo walked through the woods claws at the ready in case he was pulled into a trap. He could hear as someone's heart beat faster and faster. That's when he recognised her scent. Khloe's scent "I can smell you" he shouted "Khloe?" he adds where she came out from behind the tree. 

"How'd you know it was me?" she asked him "I'd recognize your scent anywhere! Your fruity perfume you use. The way your hair always smells like coconut! It's like a drug to me" Theo says. Khloe could no longer contain her smile. 

Theo's eyes locked onto hers "Why did you ask me here?" he asked her "Why did you bring me back if you don't feel anything for me?" he adds "Theo we live in two separate worlds! It's not easy for me. I have a legacy to keep to" she tells him "You should do what's most important to you! I don't think you care about the legacy. I think you care how your parents will react" he says.

"No I don't care how they'd react....Hell I'd even choose a side if that's what it'll take" Khloe shouts "Come on Theo! I know for a fact you know I'm telling the truth" she adds. He sighs at her words due to the fact her heart beat was steady the entire time.

"Then what the hell am I doing here?" Theo snapped. He couldn't understand why she asked him to meet if she wasn't going to choose him "Because I'm pretty damn sure I've fallen in love with you" Khloe shouts. 

Theo took a step closer to Khloe and chuckled "What's funny?" she asked him "I'm just recalling back to the moment you said we're from two separate worlds" he says "Oh....Shut the hell up Raeken!" She blurted out grabbing a hold of his t-shirt pulling his body to hers and smashing her lips to his. 

He pushed her against the tree and gripped onto her hands. She pulled at his shirt removing it from his body. She traced her fingers around his body and pressed hers against his. 

The Hunters Weakness [1] Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now