Back to Edenbrook

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So, here we are... back to working at Edenbrook together. I thought I was ready for things to get back to normal, but I was wrong. How can things go back to normal when I finally thought we were breaking the ice of our relationship? We've been through so much together ever since I started my intern year as a doctor. Ethan's friend Dolores died and we spent the night together looking after her little Tadpole, I kept his secret of keeping Dr. Banerji hidden away in the hospital as he tried to figure out what was wrong with him, he admitted that I was a risk worth taking, he cheered me up at the Opera when I found out Mrs. Martinez died in Buenos Aires and I told him it was because of me, and I helped him cure Dr. Banerji before my Ethics trial. So why can't he just admit that we have something special? I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised, it's the same on again/ off again kind of relationship he had with Dr. Harper Emery. I just thought maybe things could work between us... I keep things professional at work and love him every other time. Right now, I can't let my personal feelings control me... I have to stay strong for my patients. They need me.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Campos." I said to my new patient, looking up from my patient's file. "Please tell me about yourself, Rachel Allison. Your file tells me that you had a Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm... Did you go through Open Heart or Endovascular surgery recently?" "No, my doctor told me it was minor, so he prescribed medications to lower my blood pressure and cholesterol to reduce any risk of complications." Rachel answered. "I see... Can you please tell me the name of your doctor? If he hadn't checked you out properly you may be at risk of bursting the aneurysm... That can prove to be quite fatal." I asked her. "I also need to know what kind of medication he gave you." Rachel grabbed her bag and gave me her doctor's business card and showed me the medication he had prescribed to her. "His name is Walter Roosevelt." Rachel told me, "Do you suspect he tried to kill me on purpose?" "I can't be sure, but I've been hearing some awful stories lately... I might be just paranoid, but it's better to be safe than sorry." I told her. "Not at all, I've heard those same stories! I don't blame you for worrying." Rachel told me. "Five patients died because they weren't properly diagnosed in the last week." "I don't want you to become patient number 6, but I need an X-Ray to make sure your aneurysm isn't too large." I told her. "Once I make sure you're ok, I'm gonna pay your doctor a visit." "Are you sure that's wise? What if he's dangerous?" Rachel asked. "Don't worry about me. My job is to protect my patients and that's what I am gonna do." I replied. "That's brave, I wish I can be that brave... I'm afraid of my own shadow." Rachel told me, with a short chuckle. "You are brave because you are dealing with this aneurysm head on. You can't get any more brave than that. Tell me what do you like to do for fun, Rachel?" "Well... I like bird watching." Rachel answered. "Oh, really? What's your favorite bird?" I asked. "I know it's so simple, but I like the Barn Swallow." Rachel answered. "Sometimes there's nothing wrong with simplicity." I reassured her. "Now, I have to get you checked out right away, but don't worry I'm here for you."

Once I got Rachel's x-ray, I found that I was right about the enlarged aneurysm. I issued her the surgery right away. "Don't worry, I've got this." Bryce Lahela told me. "She's in good hands, Christy." "I don't doubt it for a second, after all you managed to keep Kyra alive." I told him. "I suspect you'll be extra careful with Rachel." "She'll be as good as new when I show that aneurysm who's boss." Bryce smiled, leaving with Rachel. I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath... "Just please be ok..." I whispered. "What's wrong?" Ethan Ramsey asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Oh, hi Dr. Ramsey!" I exclaimed. "Do you think it's possible for a doctor to kill a patient on purpose?" "What gives you that idea?!" Ethan exclaimed in surprise. "I don't know, I just have that strong pit in my stomach that this wasn't an accident and I can't seem to shake it..." I replied. "I hope you haven't frightened the patient with your worries." Ethan told me. "No, she understood me... It's just... Something is not right... I can feel it." "Christy, you're a great doctor. If you think something is wrong, I believe you... but what are you planning to do about it?" Ethan asked. "I know you're up to something." "You know me so well." I smiled. "I'm gonna check out this doctor. His name is Walter Roosevelt." "Well, you're not going by yourself!" Ethan told me. "Aw, are you worried about me, Dr. Ramsey?" I asked. "It has nothing to do with worry. I just don't want you to go through another Ethics hearing right after you just survived your first one." "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that." "I told you we have to keep things professional." "You can't delay the inevitable much longer. You love me and you know it. Also, you can't resist this puzzle either." "Christy... Don't make things complicated. Things were already complicated when Harper found out I was too biased about you." "Yes, but we've made it through all of that." "It's never going to be the same again, Christy." "Then I'll move to a different hospital, but I'm not giving up so easily." "Christy, don't say that! You belong at Edenbrook." "Yeah, I know. A girl can only dream though, right?" "Sometimes dreaming about something makes it worse..." "So, after work we'll see who this Walter guy is? I'll bring Schroeder, Sally, and Lucy with us for backup." "Who's Schroeder, Sally, and Lucy... And why do you need more backup?" "Oh, right! You haven't been officially introduced yet! You'll see." "This seems like a bad idea..." "I don't need you with me, you know. I can handle myself." "You mean like you handled yourself when you stole Declan Nash's V-3706?" "Hey, you're the one who taught me to make my own path, I blame you." I teased him. "Be that as it may, if something were to go wrong. It would be essential that you have a witness present." "You'd think I was going to kill him or something! I'm just gonna talk to him or snoop around; which ever may apply." "Snooping around is definitely what I'm gonna have to stop you from doing!" "You're no fun." "Christy, You're a doctor not a detective." "As a doctor it's my duty to make sure no more patients get harmed! If Rachel hadn't made it here in time, she could've died... I just hope it wasn't too late."

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