You'll regret this

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It hadn't taken Ethan long to make his way to Mass Kenmore. "What can I do for you, doctor?" The receptionist asked. "I want to have Walter Roosevelt terminated immediately." Ethan replied. "May I ask why?" The receptionist asked. "Why? I'll tell you why! Your doctor shot one of my doctors!" Ethan told her. "Do you have any evidence to support your claim?" The receptionist asked. "If it's evidence you want, there's a waitress who witnessed the whole scenario." Ethan replied.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Christy's guardian..." Walter said, approaching. "Did she escape your watchful eye again?" "Don't patronize me, I know what you did." Ethan told him. "You're lucky I won't punch you where you stand. If you ever come near her again..." "She's exaggerating the circumstances... Clearly, she's not fit to be a doctor." "You're the one who isn't fit to be a doctor. You may have been a doctor longer than her, but I've been a doctor longer than you. I'll make sure you'll suffer for what you did." "Yeah, but of course you would take her side. You love her, don't you?" "She's Edenbrook's best doctor." Ethan replied. "I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. She was right about you and we both know it." "Look, you can threaten me all you want, but there's nothing even you can do, Ethan Ramsey. You're weak." "If caring for my coworkers make me weak than I rather be that than someone who doesn't care about anyone but himself." "You don't know anything about me." "I know what I need to know. You almost killed Christy. It will catch up with you. Rachel was fortunate enough to escape someone like you." "You don't know a thing about Rachel." "I know she's a sore subject for you." "What makes you say that?" "Hmm, could it be that you yelled at Christy: Telling her she wasn't anything like Rachel? Or could it be that you tense up every time you hear her name? Take your pick." "If you know what's good for you, I would suggest that you leave Mass Kenmore. My date with Christy isn't any of your business. I could just as easily say that you were jealous that I went out with her." "You can say whatever you want. Anybody at that restaurant can testify that you were hostile." "And you've made threats to me... Wouldn't that make you hostile?" "At least I have a good reason to be. Stay away from Edenbrook." "Now why would I want to go to that pathetic excuse for a hospital. Christy isn't worth that trip." That's it! Ethan snapped and punched him. "Christy is worth more than you do." Then he left. "Is everything he was saying true?" The receptionist asked herself, feeling unease settling in. Pathetic excuse for a hospital and not worth the trip doesn't sound like someone who cares... She decided to see for herself, putting on a disguise, and left for Edenbrook.

"What can I do for you?" Ines asked Mass Kenmore's receptionist. "Hi, is there someone by the name of Christy at this hospital?" The receptionist asked. "Oh..." Ines became sad. "She's a doctor here and she's my friend, but she was admitted as a patient when she got shot. Do you know her?" "Actually, I have something important I want to discuss with her. It has to do with why she was shot in the first place." The receptionist replied. "I want to know if she's alright..." "Oh, well... She's doing great. She's fighting it like a champ! I can show you to her." Ines told her. "Do you have any identification?" Zaid asked the receptionist. "Zaid, she's fine!" Ines told him. "Oh, sure... Let's just let random people go into her room. Why don't you suffocate her with a pillow while you're at it." Zaid said. "I'm sorry, miss. Zaid's just all shook up, but he won't admit it directly." Ines told her. "He cares about Christy as well, but he puts on his tough face." "I don't blame you for wondering!" The receptionist exclaimed, showing him identification. "I knew you worked at Mass Kenmore!" Zaid exclaimed. "So what are you really doing here?" "I just want to help." The receptionist replied. "That's a likely story." Zaid started interrogating her. "Are you collaborating with the man who shot her? Did he send you here to finish her off? Do you have any concealed weapons?" "No, no, no!" The receptionist exclaimed. "I don't want anything to do with him! You have got to believe me!" "Lay off of her, Zaid. She's a receptionist, there's nothing suspicious about that." Ines told him. "How do I know, you're not just posing as a receptionist?" Zaid asked her.

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