The Beginning of the Battle of New Orleans

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Ethan, Sienna, Jackie, Bryce, Rafael, Elijah, and Aurora finally landed their feet in the City of New Orleans a day later. "I don't see anything out of the ordinary." Rafael said, as they looked around them for any signs of chaos. Aurora shrieked, "Oh no? What's that?!" She pointed at a zombie crossing the street. "Don't draw any attention to us." Jackie told her. "Dr. Ramsey, you did mention people coming alive, didn't you?" Elijah asked. "I... suppose..." Ethan replied. "It's still... unnerving..." "Christy, still couldn't be standing around at the cemetery, so where do we even begin to look for her?" Bryce asked. "There's not much of a crowd out here, so it shouldn't be that difficult to find her." Aurora answered. "How many people have a Chinchilla, Fox, and a Turtle following them around?" "Good point!" Bryce exclaimed, "I'll look for the turtle. Schroeder, where are you?" "Shh!" Jackie covered his mouth.

It was too late, the zombie that crossed the street had noticed, and started heading towards them. "Ahhhh!!!!" Aurora yelled, using Bryce as a human shield. Meanwhile, I've been staying in a room at The Fortune Teller's shop. "That's funny, I thought I heard Aurora!" I told The Fortune Teller, as we were in the middle of discussing our game plan. "Go with your instinct." She told me. I dashed out and stepped in front of my friends. "So, you managed to escape the shower?" I asked the zombie, shooting him with a lightning bolt. My friends gaped at me like I just came from another planet. "Did that just happen?" Elijah asked. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked them. "We were planning on saving you, but looks like you ended up saving us!" Bryce exclaimed, "Since when did you start shooting lightning bolts?" "It's a long story, but you guys shouldn't be here. If there's one zombie that escaped my lightning bolt shower of attack, who knows how many more there are." I answered. "This raises another question, what in the world are you wearing?" Ethan asked, in surprise. "I was told a costume would help me be less noticeable, but it turns out it's more complicated than that." I answered. "So, you look like you dropped out of the Victorian Era?" Jackie asked, "Good plan." "Say what you want, but I think it's a lovely costume!" Sienna exclaimed. "I don't know... How do you run away from zombies in something like that?" Elijah asked. "I don't." I replied. "Did you find out the mystery of the bullet?" Jackie asked. "As a matter of fact I did..." I answered, telling them all about the Fortune Teller, what she told me about The Keeper of the Bullet, Antoinette Cassandra Claire, The Sorcerer, and how he came after me at the cemetery.

"That... is... some story!" Ethan exclaimed in surprise. "So, what happened when you got the costume?" Sienna asked. "Well... Once we got to the Costume Store, the sorcerer ended up finding us again. He asked if we really thought that a costume was going to fool him..." I started, recalling a flashback sequence of the day before: "Don't you have something else you would rather be doing or do you enjoy following people around?" I asked the sorcerer. "Not all people, just the ones who try to stop me from taking over New Orleans." The sorcerer replied. Sally the fox growled at him. "I'll even get your little fox too." He froze Sally and she stood still, her teeth baring at him. Lucy sniffed at her, cuddling up next to Sally. I unfroze her. "Nice try, whatever you can do I can do better." I smiled, as Sally scampered out of line of fire along with Lucy the Chinchilla. Schroeder glared at the sorcerer in a protective manner. I swirled him around in a tornado and he spun all the way out the door. Back to the present day: "Wow, that sounds amazing!" Elijah exclaimed. "It's no big deal." I smiled, "It's all innate." The sorcerer had once again caught up with us, "Well, well, well. Looks like you've brought friends. The stakes have become quite interesting."

Instinctively, Ethan protectively stood in front of me. "Ethan! You really shouldn't..." I told him, "You have no power against him!" "I don't care about that, I care about you." Ethan replied, turning to the sorcerer, "So if you want to mess with her, you're gonna have to mess with me." "That's a really tempting offer." The sorcerer smirked. "You know we never got to finish our costume battle, Keeper of the Bullet. So, I think it's about the perfect time to show you that you cannot defeat me. You may be able to defeat an army of zombies alone, but how about we make things more complicated for you. Let's see what you can do when you have much more pressure." "Uh, oh... Do I sense Vicious Gargoyles coming on?" Elijah whispered. The sorcerer waved his hand at Ethan... "No!" I exclaimed, but nothing happened.... Well, except for the golden glow encircling him... "What is the meaning of this?!" Ethan exclaimed. "S-somehow, you're immune to his magic!" I replied. "Immune? How can I possibly be immune? I'm not the one who took that bullet!" Ethan exclaimed. I came to a realization, "No, but you're connected to me... So, my power must've rubbed off on you." "How?" Ethan asked. "Maybe that night we spent together at that party... From then on, you were mine and only mine." I answered. "Right..." Ethan said, taking it all in. "I'm sorry, I didn't know I could transfer it to you!" I exclaimed. "So this explains that cemetery vision!" Sienna exclaimed. "What cemetery vision?" I asked. "I seen you near that mausoleum... And it felt so real..." Ethan replied avoiding my gaze. "You must hate me for this..." I shook my head. "No... No, I don't." Ethan replied, finally turning to me, and taking my face in his hands. "Because if I had to be connected to someone through some crazy magical destiny; I'd want it to be you. Sure, it's absolute nonsense, but at least I know the times that you're safe and the times you're in trouble. Then I know I can do something about it if you are in trouble."

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