Investigative Nature

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Sienna and Elijah wandered the hospital to find Landry. "Where could he be? I feel like I'm reliving the first day I had worked at Edenbrook!" Elijah exclaimed. "Maybe he found someone else he could sabotage." Sienna replied. "What are you guys doing here?!" Landry asked in surprise. "Speaking of the Saboteur, looks like he found us." Elijah answered. "I don't have time to listen to your complaints about me." Landry told them. "What are you doing at Mass Kenmore? I have work to do." "Well for one, a certain Doctor Roosevelt stole your old Edenbrook scrubs." Sienna replied. "Why would he do that?" Landry asked. "He wanted to sneak into Edenbrook to kidnap Christy." Elijah replied. "Seriously?!" Landry asked in surprise. "I...I had no idea." "What can you tell us about him?" Sienna asked. "Did you notice anything suspicious?" "I don't talk with him much, you already know I focus so much on working hard." Landry told them. "As well as sabotaging others." Elijah replied. "The point is... I may not know him as best as other people, but I have overheard a few things as I was working here for the short time that I have." Landry told them. "Like what?!" Sienna asked. "He actually hates hospitals." Landry replied. "If he hates hospitals then why is he a doctor?" Elijah asked. "That's also a mystery, he started working here last week." Landry replied. "A week? Didn't Christy tell us that Walter told her that Rachel's aneurysm wasn't serious two months ago?" Sienna asked Elijah. "If he wasn't working at Edenbrook and he wasn't working at Mass Kenmore before last week than where else would he be playing doctor?" "I've also recently heard that there was a complaint against him." Landry mentioned. "Apparently, someone wanted him terminated not too long ago." "Aw, did Dr. Ramsey come over to have him fired?" Sienna smiled. "What?! Dr. Ramsey was here and I missed him?!" Landry exclaimed. "Sometimes working hard sucks..."

"Ok, not the main point right now." Elijah got them back on track to the matter at hand. "How do you know he hates hospitals?" "He says that hospitals prevented him from seeing Rachel." Landry answered. "It wasn't the case at all... She couldn't stand being around him. I heard that she would say that he was always manipulative and deceitful." "That is not far-fetched." Elijah said. "I haven't known him that long and I already can't stand the guy." "How can anyone like someone so horrible?!" Sienna exclaimed. "How could he even last a week at this hospital?" "Let me know when you figure it out." Landry replied. "Christy knows him a little bit better than the rest of us. She might be able to piece things together as long as we get the right information about him." Elijah said. "I agree, if anyone can figure out this mystery, she can!" Sienna exclaimed.

Next Rafael, Lucy, Sally, and Schroeder begun their plot to distract the Chief of Medicine. "Hey, we have an emergency in the operating room!" Rafael told her. "Animals are running all over the place!" "What?!" The Chief of Medicine asked, running over to the operating room. Lucy the Chinchilla hopped from the operating table to a tray of surgical tools, splashing them all over the floor. Sally the Fennec Fox played with all the wires she can find, knocking the equipment down in the process. Schroeder took off with the surgical tools and hid them under any enclosed space he could find. "Don't just stand there! Help me do something about this!" The Chief of Medicine exclaimed, diving to catch the equipment. Then she chased after Sally. Sally was surprised that The Chief of Medicine almost caught her, but she ran around the room before that could happen. "Get me a broom! I'm gonna chase them out with it!" "On it!" Rafael took his time heading to a supply closet.

When he finally came back, the Chief of Medicine was out of breath. "What... took... you... so long?" "Oh, I got lost." Rafael replied. "How could you possibly get lost?!" The Chief of Medicine exclaimed. "One of the animals escaped and took the elevator to the third floor." Rafael replied. "What?!" The Chief of Medicine asked, hurrying out of the room. "When I come back, this mess had better be taken care of!" When she was certainly out of sight, Rafael gathered the animals together. "Great work. You're a pretty good distraction team." He told them with a mischievous grin. "Rrf!" Sally exclaimed, giving Rafael a high five with her paw. "We should probably clean this mess up before we get thrown out of here!" Rafael exclaimed, trying to set up the tray of surgical tools. Schroeder went back to retrieve the tools he had hidden and Sally knocked over a bucket of water. "The idea is to not make a bigger mess!" Sally folded her ears in sadness. "Aroo..." "Ok, ok! Don't give me that face! Let's just hope nobody slips over it!" Rafael told her, grabbing the mop.

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