No torches and pitchforks necessary

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"I still don't understand why he would hit you with a magic bullet. If it gave you super human powers, it gives you an easier chance of defeating him. That's a pretty risky move he took just to get you to lose everyone you care about." Sienna told me. "What else could you do besides running extra fast? Can you move things with your mind?" "Hmm, that would actually be a quicker way to get things in the house, but if anyone sees things floating around... They would definitely freak out." I answered. "Maybe try something inconspicuous like, turning a page in this book!" Sienna told me. "Ok, maybe one page couldn't hurt." I said, concentrating pretty hard on the page. "It's moving... it's moving..." Sienna told me, staring at the page to see if anything would happen.

"What are you doing?" Ethan asked us. "Nothing! We weren't doing anything!" I exclaimed, closing the book quickly before he could see it twitching. "You're acting like you're reading something you shouldn't be reading!" Ethan exclaimed, "Of course, I know you better than that and I think you're hiding something else from me. Why did you close the book so fast and started acting suspicious?" "Another mystery you want to solve?" I asked. "You got me! It's a diary, I keep all of my most passionate moments in it." "Please tell me you aren't reading our passionate moments to Dr. Trinh!" Ethan exclaimed. "Wow, way to flatter yourself, Ethan. It's so bold of you to assume it's about you." I teased. "She's kidding, who else would it be about?" Sienna joined in, "Who knew you were so steamy, doctor?" Sienna and I laughed. Ethan shot me an aggravated look and walked away.

"Whew, that was a close one!" I exclaimed. "I'm so glad I thought up an excuse right away. I'm not quite ready to explain moving pages through mind power." "Yeah, but I think we got him angry at us." Sienna told me. "You don't want to be in the doghouse when it's your first day moving in with each other." "Don't worry about me; I can handle him." I told her. "He could never stay angry at this face for long. He'll find out I was page turning some other time. It was kind of fun messing with him though. I mean there's not enough steamy moments to fill an entire book, but the kiss in Miami would make an excellent page turner up until he decided the kiss was a mistake." "So you did kiss in Miami!" Sienna exclaimed. "Yeah, but after a while he walked out because he remembered I was an intern and he was an attending... I said that no one would have to know, but it wasn't good enough at the time. Now it's not much of a secret, is it?" I told her. "How did you manage to hold your feelings in for so long!" Sienna exclaimed. "Believe me, it was difficult, but to be honest... I had never regretted a single moment we spent together. Even if most of the time it was just chatting." I replied. "How did you know you were in love with him?" Sienna asked. "I suppose feelings tend to bloom when you're sharing common goals and secrets. Mainly, spending so much time learning about his relationship with Dr. Banerji. It's adorable how much he tried so hard to help him. It's also sad when he felt so hopeless about it." I replied. "I love a lot of his remarks too. Those are bonus points! Ok... Maybe I should tell him about these super human powers before I feel guilty about keeping this secret from him. I was there for his secrets, so I suppose I should let him be there for mine."

"Yeah, maybe you should tell him before he actually catches you in mid action." Sienna agreed. "I wouldn't want to start vanishing before his very eyes or something." I smirked, heading towards Ethan. "I'm sorry for that... Actually what I was doing was more complicated than reading a diary of passionate moments." "Oh, really? Please enlighten me." Ethan crossed his arms. "Perhaps it would be easier if I showed you. You wouldn't believe me if I told you anyways." I replied. "Do you need help with that box?" I concentrated on a box lying on the ground and levitated it up into the air. Ethan stared at me in shock. Sienna came over to help me explain, "It's the bullet, Dr. Ramsey! It made her some sort of super human! Don't sharpen pitch forks just yet, she's still the same person she has always been. She just has unique talents now." "H-hold on... No one is sharpening pitch forks." Ethan said, taking a deep breath to take in the shocking revelation. "Just explain to me how this is possible." "There may be some kind of magic or curse put on the bullet." Sienna replied. "We're not quite certain on the backstory." "So the book..." Ethan started. "I was actually turning pages with my mind. There weren't any dirty secrets being revealed." I answered. "The only thing I told Sienna afterwards is that we kissed in Miami, that's all."

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