Chapter One

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Okay, new story...very close to my life. Kind of. Anyhow, I want to thank JeniK for the suggestion for the title. You rock, girlie and as promised, here's your shout out. Also, thank you for being such a valued reader. Your reviews always make me smile.

Anyhow, here's my new story.

Also, none of this belongs to me. Never will. I just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

Finding Love Through Music

Chapter One


"Mr. Cullen, please report to the main office. Mr. Cullen, the main office, please," came the disembodied voice of Mrs. Rowe, the principals secretary. I groaned and heaved my body away from my desk in my office. I was trying to finish my script for the annual madrigal dinner. I had most of it done but the ending was driving me insane. It just wasn't meshing.

I swiped a pad of paper and adjusted my tie before heading through the hallways of Springview Central High School. A number of students who were leaving for the end of the day bid me goodbye. I gave them my signature crooked smile as I walked through the hallways. But it wasn't a genuine smile.

I hadn't smiled for real in nearly a year and a half.

Not since I found my skank of an ex-wife was cheating on me with the athletic director in my school or when I found bottles upon bottles of pain medication hidden her purse. That she didn't need.

I hadn't smiled since I had to tell my angel, my Emma, that Mommy wasn't going to live at home with us anymore.

I hadn't smiled since my life was ripped apart.

Thankfully, I had a strong family. My parents watched my daughter while I was at work. My father, Carlisle, was a doctor, psychiatrist, at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, in Chicago. My mom, Esme, was a retired teacher who dabbled in interior design to earn some extra money. Not that we needed it or anything. My mom's father was a old oil tycoon and had pretty much set up her, her children, her children's children and their children for the rest of their lives.

When my parents were unable to take care of my angel, my brother, Emmett and his wife, Rosalie, helped out when they could. To say that they were busy was an understatement. Emmett was an orthopedic surgeon, also at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Rose, as she preferred to be called, was an assistant state's attorney, specializing in special victims. Women who were victims of rape, children who were victims of abuse and putting away the scum of the earth who did that to them.

I shook off my mind off my daughter and family. I walked into the main office. "I was beckoned, Mrs. Rowe?" I smirked.

"Yes. Mr. Smith wants to meet with you and the drama director of the spring musical," she said, cowering slightly.

I saw red. I'd been doing the musical as long as I'd been hired as the choral director at Springview Central High School. I pursed my lips and strode into Mr. Smith's office. Sitting across from him was one of the new hires. She was a petite brunette with a killer body and a pretty face. But she was not taking my spring musical away.

"Ah, Edward," Mr. Smith said with an amiable grin. "Thank you for coming down so promptly. How's the madrigal dinner script coming?"

"Almost done," I said tersely. "Music rehearsals have been smooth and all I need to do is finalize the ending."

"Excellent. I assume that Mrs. Rowe told you why I needed to meet with you?"

"Yes. Something about a drama director," I snapped. "Bill, I've been the director of the musical as long as I've been here."

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