Chapter Twenty-Three

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Okay, new story...very close to my life. Kind of. I'm humbled by the reviews and responses that this story has already received. The alerts, reviews and hits are truly humbling. Thank you so much for taking the time read the ramblings from the depths of my brain. Much love to all of you!

Also, none of this belongs to me. Never will. I just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

Chapter Twenty-three


"Girl, you need to stop staring at that rock," Pam teased. I glowered at her, staring into her mischievous eyes. "I know you're thrilled that you're engaged but damn."

"Shut it," I snarked back. "I'm sorry that I'm easily distracted by the shiny on my finger. I mean, how can I not be distracted? This isn't a ring, it's a small country."

"It is. You're very lucky," Pam said, smiling softly. "Though, I am surprised that you said yes. I'm happy you did since it proved to yourself that you trust Edward implicitly."

"I do trust him, Pam," I said, looking at my ring again. "I'm so happy and I honestly surprised myself when I said yes to his proposal. But, seeing him on his knee, looking so vulnerable and uncertain, I knew I wanted to share my life with him. It wasn't about this gorgeous ring or my fears; it was about my future and happiness with the man I love. My soul mate. I couldn't say no. Is it fast? Yes. Do I regret it? Hell no. When are we getting married? As soon as humanly possible."

"Well, okay, then," Pam laughed. "We'll add the wedding plans to our next session."

"Deal," I smiled. "And you're invited, Pam."

"Just don't make me a bridesmaid," she said. "I hate dresses."

"Ugh, me too. If I could get married in a pant suit, I would."

"Okay, girlie. When do you want to come in next?"

"Not until after the musical," I sighed. "This is the only day that I could get away. Edward is working with the leads on fine-tuning their timing and interpretation. I'm needed until April twenty-sixth."

"How about we shoot for April thirtieth?" Pam asked, consulting her planner. "Right after school."

"It's a date," I said as I put it into my cell phone. "Thanks, Pam." She stood up and we hugged as I left her office. I walked out to the Volvo, keeping my eyes peeled on any suspicious cars or for James. He wouldn't be as stupid to attack me in broad daylight, but I was still on alert. Not seeing anybody, I drove out of the parking lot of medical offices and drove to Esme's house to pick up Emma.

To say they were over the moon happy when we came back from our vacation engaged was a huge understatement. For some odd reason, all of them came to pick us up from the airport and the squeals were deafening when the family saw the sapphire engagement ring on my left hand. Driving back to their home, we spent hours recounting Edward's proposal and Emma's reaction to the proposal.

"I need to shower as soon as we get back to the suite," Edward chuckled. His skin was covered in sweat and his hair was matted down in a tangled mess. His lips were swollen from my kisses and he had this look of utter contentment on his handsome face. "It got a bit stuffy in the cabana while we were making love..."

"It did," I chuckled, plucking at my dress that was sticking to my own damp skin. "Do you think Emma is still awake?"

"I don't know. Our baby girl was pretty tired," Edward cooed, nuzzling my neck. Ever since I called Emma 'our daughter,' he had broken down and said that I was the mother that she should have had from the beginning. Not Jessica.

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