Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Okay, new story...very close to my life. Kind of. (Okay, not this part.) I'm humbled by the reviews and responses that this story has already received. The alerts, reviews and hits are truly humbling. Thank you so much for taking the time read the ramblings from the depths of my brain. Much love to all of you!

Secondly, please take a look at Bar Room Angel by Vodkavamp76! A night out leaves Bella terrified at the hands of a predator. The devil will try to make her pay for daring to turn him down, while an angel will capture her heart in ways she never imagined. Bella finds her own piece of heaven with the man who saved her, but has she truly escaped the clutches of the man who preyed on her? It's on TWCS and FFn.

Also, none of this belongs to me. Never will. I just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


"Emmett, this is ludicrous. I am not wearing a damn lion's costume for Emma's birthday. It's bad enough we're driving all over God's creation to find all of these decorations and treats," I grumbled. "I know that she wanted an animal themed birthday, but this just nonsense."

"You could be wearing a cow costume With udders," Emmett snickered. "And it's not an animal themed birthday. It's a safari. Get it right, Little Cullen."

"Ass," I said dryly as we wandered around Party City, looking for safari-themed birthday games, treats and decorations. Bella had sent me out with a specific list and this was the third Party City we'd looked in for the things she wanted for Emma's birthday. "Just you wait until you and Rose have your little one."

"Any day now," Emmett snickered. "I'm scared shitless, Edward. What if I'm a horrible dad? What if my kid hates me?"

"All children hate their parents at one point or another," I said as I found the animal bags that Bella had on our list. "Besides, your kid is going to be dependent on you until they reach the age of two-ish. Then, they get into everything. Anyhow, Emma hated both Bella and I a few weeks ago when we forgot her field day."

"Emma kisses the ground the both of you walk on," Emmett snorted.

"Well, not on June first. I was so upset with my little girl because she acted like a brat but Bella in her infinite wisdom explained it to her and things were smoothed over. Thankfully," I said. I looked around the store and heaved a sigh. We were not going to find stuff that we needed here. "You know what? This shit is not going to be here. Let's check Michaels or Hobby Lobby. They have the artsy fartsy stuff."

"Cool, cool," Emmett said. We left the store and drove to the Michaels were Bella and I had gotten the supplies for the centerpieces for the madrigal dinner. As I suspected, it had almost everything on Bella's list and we left with many bags of safari themed goodies. The party was going to be for Emma's class plus their parents, our family and closest friends, which included Charlie and his new girlfriend, Sue and Bella's mom, Renee along with her latest husband, Phil. Bella was hesitant about having a big to-do in light of her abduction, but she had been working with Pam, Aunt Lizzie and Carlisle for coping mechanisms. She had gotten stronger every single day and I was so happy. Well, most of the time.

The toughest time for both of us was at night. Bella suffered from horrible nightmares. She couldn't use a sleep aide because of our baby and she barely got five hours of sleep a night. She was constantly exhausted and subsequently, crabby. Her physical injuries were mostly gone. The only reminder of her ordeal was a brace on her left hand. I could tell that she was upset that she couldn't wear her engagement ring. Her ring finger was still very swollen due to the way it was broken and Bella really didn't want me to size the ring up. I was going to give her another week or so before I went to the jeweler to get the ring sized so she could wear it.

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