Chapter Nineteen

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Okay, new story...very close to my life. Kind of. I'm humbled by the reviews and responses that this story has already received. The alerts, reviews and hits are truly humbling. Thank you so much for taking the time read the ramblings from the depths of my brain. Much love to all of you!

Also, none of this belongs to me. Never will. I just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

There was some confusion with the last chapters. A few readers pointed out that Chapter Seventeen was incomplete and left some unanswered questions to Chapter Eighteen. That has since been fixed. If you were confused as to what happened, I've corrected the error in Chapter Seventeen and included a recap in Chapter Eighteen. Thanks for those awesome readers who pointed that out. I appreciate it!

Chapter Nineteen


"Emma! Hurry up, girl! We have our first dance class," I yelled up the stairs. Edward was bouncing on his toes, holding his camera as he waited for Emma. I was able to get us into the dance class after some cajoling with the teacher.

I explained to her that I was a performer and I could help Emma learn the steps and the basics. The teacher finally relented when I came into her evening class one night while she was working with her advanced class. A few of the girls from Springview Central were in the class and were shocked that I kept up with them, even surpassing them in learning the dance.

Soon, Emma bounded the stairs in black pants, pink short sleeved shirt and black 'Sparkle' hoodie. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with some black, pink and white ribbons. Her face had a crooked grin on it, excited for her first dance class. "Do you think the kids will like me?"

"I'm certain," I said as I pulled my hair back into a low ponytail. "Besides, you're the coolest girl. Ever."

"Are you going to help with the class, Bella?" Emma asked.

"I am. The teacher was impressed when came to beg for our spots and now I'm assisting her," I smiled, crouching down to her level. "Daddy's coming too."

"My baby's first dance class," he sighed as he held up his camera.

"Please tell me you're not going to video it," Emma groaned.

"Too bad, so sad," Edward quipped. "Let's go dance, my loves."

I pull on Emma's ponytail as she passes me. She playfully scowled at me.

Her behavior had definitely improved in the past few weeks. The first week and a half after Jessica's funeral were horrible. Emma spent most of her time in her room crying because she kept getting in trouble at school. Edward even yelled at her for being disrespectful to me. She had spat something in a fit, saying that I wasn't her mother and I couldn't tell her what to do. That broke my heart. Edward saw me when he came back from rehearsal with tear-stained cheeks and knew that Emma misbehaved. His yells filled the house at his disappointment for Emma's behavior. I couldn't take hearing him yell at her and I called Alice to see if she wanted to go out to dinner.

We met up with Rose, Esme and Aunt Lizzie for some girl time. Angela also showed up with her baby. After an hour and half, I got a phone call from a sobbing Emma. She was apologizing to me, begging for me to come home. I frowned and looked at the table. They all but pushed me into my car.

Or rather, Edward's car. After a week of listening to my poor Honda Civic hack and groan, we took it back to the garage and it was deemed totaled. I was currently saving my money to get a new vehicle but driving Edward's Volvo while my money accrued.

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