Chapter Two

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Okay, new story...very close to my life. Kind of. I'm humbled by the reviews and responses that this story has already received. A lot of you are begging to know Bella's back story. You'll find out. In time. It will be alternating point of views. Here's Bella.

Also, none of this belongs to me. Never will. I just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

Chapter Two


To: Isabella M. Swan

From: Edward Cullen

Re:Re: Musical

Dear Ms. Swan,

First off, you're right. I wasn't happy when Bill told me that you were being added to our directorial staff of the musical. I've gone solo for long that I was wholly unprepared for what happened. I apologize for acting like a jerk. I never intended to be as rude as I came off and I hope you accept my apology.

Secondly, you seem like you know your stuff and I do look forward to working with you. Tailoring our rehearsals based off our strengths is an excellent idea. We could possibly team up and work from there for the actual blocking/choreography. I'm not a choreographer but I can pick up dance steps pretty quickly. I'd be happy to assist (also, get the guys to loosen up. If they see me look like an ass, then they'll be willing to move around.)

Finally, for our meeting, let's meet in the choir room. I have an office in there and we can also peruse the script, listen to the score and create a plan of attack for this beast, Legally Blonde.

Thank you for your contact information. I've programmed your cell phone number into mine and my guess is that we will quickly become 'BFF's' at best or arch enemies at the absolute worst. Anyhow, here's my cell phone number: (847)555-1918. I look forward to our meeting on Friday.

Yours in music,


Mr. Edward Cullen
Director of Choirs, Springview Central High School
Fine Arts/World Languages Department

"Bella! I have some sketches I want to show you for the costumes. Let me in, bitch," my neighbor and friend, Alice griped through my door. I rolled my eyes. I closed my laptop and walked to the door and in breezed my tiny neighbor. Her black hair was cropped short into a 'Twiggy' pixie cut with bright pink highlights. Her grey eyes were lined with dramatic eye makeup while the rest of her look was more sedate and quiet. At least on her face. On her body, Alice wore a geometric tunic with pink, gray and beige accents. She wore a pair of gray leggings with a knee high beige boots. In her hand, she carried a black moleskin journal. "You have to see what I've drawn, Bella! It's so awesome. Did you hear back from Grumpward?"

"Yeah, he apologized," I replied. "Kind of. God! I wanted to smack his face when he told me that we were meeting on Friday. Asshole. And Grumpward?"

"His name is Edward. Grumpward seemed like an apt nickname," Alice giggled. "Have you heard anything about me? Can I do it? I'd love to throw costume designer on my resume!"

"I'll let you know on Friday," I answered. "Let me see what you got." Alice thrust the sketchbook she was holding into my hands. I flipped through the pages and was amazed at what she had come up with in the two hours since I told her about my job as the drama director of Legally Blonde. "Wow, these are awesome, Alice. But, you do realize your designing costumes for high schoolers."

"I do. And I want to do this. Plus give the costumes to the school once you're done with the production," Alice said. "Most of my clientele comes from Springview Central in the form of the students and their mothers who think they can fit in my clothes."

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