Chapter Eleven

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Okay, new story...very close to my life. Kind of. I'm humbled by the reviews and responses that this story has already received. The alerts, reviews and hits are truly humbling. Thank you so much for taking the time read the ramblings from the depths of my brain. Much love to all of you!

Also, none of this belongs to me. Never will. I just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

Chapter Eleven


After Mattie's memorial, Bella crashed in my car. Esme suggested that we go out to eat but I had to put the kibosh on it. I knew Bella would be exhausted. Her quiet snores proved it.

I drove us back to her apartment and with Charlie's help, carried her up to her place. She didn't even move when I carried her. Her face was serene. Her breathing was even. God, she was beautiful. I removed her coat and suit jacket once I carried her into her bedroom. I debated whether or not to remove her pants. I decided against it. Yes, I had seen Bella in her skimpy bra and panties earlier, but I didn't want to push my luck. With a tender kiss, I left her bedroom.

Charlie was sitting on her couch, holding his head in his hands. "I'm blame myself, Edward," he murmured.

I hung up her coat and mine. I sat down next to Charlie and furrowed my brow. "You didn't do this to her, Charlie. James did," I soothed.

"I should have said something, done more to protect her. James was an asshole in high school. So was his father. I was called to their home several times for domestic violence. Arguments that got out of control. James' mother refused to press charges," Charlie said miserably. "I should have known...He broke my baby girl. I could kill him. I wanted to. Each day he sat in the courtroom with his smug grin on his face, I wanted to take my gun and shoot him in cold blood for what he did to her."

"Charlie, Bella doesn't blame you," I said as I rubbed his shoulder.

"You have a daughter, Edward. You'd do anything to protect her, right?"

"I would," I answered.

"If someone was hurting your baby girl, you'd kill for her. Make the bastard pay for what he did. I couldn't even do that," Charlie cried. "It was some stupid, fucking technicality that got James the sentence he received. Seven years is NOTHING for what he did. He should die in that prison. But he won't. He'll be out in three years to make some other woman's life a living hell. Or he'll come back after Bella."

"Does he know that Bella's here?" I asked.

"No. She moved after she got some threatening letters sent to the house. I contacted the prison warden about his behavior and James was moved to solitary for six months. She also couldn't handle being in Forks. Everything there was a memory of her relationship with James. I hated that she moved so far away but I understand why she did it," Charlie said sadly. "But I don't feel so bad now. She's got you and your family, Edward."

"We love Bella," I murmured.

"I know you do. My baby girl deserves love and happiness. You are the man to give it to her," Charlie said with a smile. "I am sorry about earlier this morning..."

"Um..."I blathered. "Uh..."

"Edward, I'm a guy. My daughter is beautiful and I know that you two are attracted to each other. I also know that she's had sex. We just had a memorial for her baby boy," Charlie said wryly.

"Charlie, don't get me wrong. I love your daughter but we weren't doing that earlier," I blushed.

"Oh! Well, shit. I feel like a moron," Charlie said as he rubbed his hands in his hair. "Please be careful with her, Edward. She's more fragile than most."

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