Chapter Twenty-Six

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Okay, new story...very close to my life. Kind of. (Okay, not this part.) I'm humbled by the reviews and responses that this story has already received. The alerts, reviews and hits are truly humbling. Thank you so much for taking the time read the ramblings from the depths of my brain. Much love to all of you!

Also, none of this belongs to me. Never will. I just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

*Angst Warning*
*Violence Warning*
*Tissue Warning*

Chapter Twenty-Six


As the final chord struck, I pulled Bella into my arms and crushed my lips against hers. She was surprised but eagerly accepted my kiss. The curtain fell and the students erupted in cheers and screams. I pulled away and hugged my girl. My fiancée. We swayed back and forth as the cast scattered off the stage, anxious to see their families.

"I love you, my Bella," I said as the lights came up behind the curtain. "I'm sorry about kissing you..."

"No, you're not," she giggled. "You've wanted to do that forever. Staking your claim on me, Professor. Why don't you just pee on me? Raise your leg?"

"Shut it," I teased as I kissed her nose. Our flowers were placed on the edge of the stage along with the envelopes. I placed the wireless microphones onto a table in the back and we headed to the choir room to drop off our flowers and gifts.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Bella said. "I'll meet you out in the lobby, Professor."

"I love you, baby," I cooed against her lips.

"Love you more, Edward," she said as she grabbed my ass. With a wink, Bella darted out of the office and headed to the green room which had a bathroom inside.


After I went to the bathroom, I walked to the choir room to pick up my cell phone from Edward's desk. When I entered the room, I saw a very haunted Ashleigh standing by the door. "Ms. Swan?" she said in a dead voice. "I need your help."

"Ashleigh, are you okay?" I asked as I walked over to her. Covering her entire face was bruises and scratches. Her posture was defeated and she was filthy.

"No, she's not okay, you fucking cunt," James spat as he shoved her to the ground. "I should kill you for being worthless, you bitch." He pulled out a gun and cocked the hammer, aiming it at Ashleigh.

"Don't!" I screamed as I angled myself between Ashleigh and the gun. "Let her be. You found me, asshole. Just let her go."

"You'll come willingly?" James asked, arching a brow. His blue eyes were colder, more calculating. His body had more muscles and his face was pulled into a permanent sneer. The man who was once attractive to me was now a cold-blooded killer. A rapist. The devil in the flesh. A perfect representation of all that was evil in the world. And you're going to go willingly? You are more stupid than you look. Let him kill the student.

"I'll come willingly," I said as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"You BITCH!" he roared, pulling my arm out of socket as he glared at my engagement ring. He spun me and slammed me against the wall. I yelped in pain. "You're mine! Not his! Filthy slut!" He pounded me against the wall causing my body to groan in agony. James grabbed my finger and yanked the ring from my hand, throwing it onto the floor like it was poison. He then twisted my left ring finger, breaking it painfully.

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