Chapter Sixteen

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Okay, new story...very close to my life. Kind of. I'm humbled by the reviews and responses that this story has already received. The alerts, reviews and hits are truly humbling. Thank you so much for taking the time read the ramblings from the depths of my brain. Much love to all of you!

Also, none of this belongs to me. Never will. I just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

Chapter Sixteen


"Let's not talk about this right now. Please? Can you just hold me?" I begged as I moved closer to his bare chest. He kissed my forehead and said that he loved me. However, after the phone call, sleep did not come to us. We just spent the night, clinging to each other in fear of losing the other. As dawn broke, Edward picked up his cell phone and called Bob Smith, explaining that we were not going to be in today. I heard Smith question why he was calling for both of us. Edward, point blank, said that we were a couple. Smith hemmed and hawed over that information but Edward pointed it out that in the contract there was nothing about fraternization with staff members. We would maintain a professional rapport at school but our relationship was our own. I just prayed that it wouldn't reflect poorly on our evaluations. I needed my job. I couldn't lose it.

Edward then called Esme to pick up Emma. His daughter was safely ensconced in Esme's Mercedes an hour later while I lay in Edward's bed. He came back into the bedroom, curling around me. His grip was painfully tight. "I won't let anything happen to you, Bella," he said, tears falling onto my shoulder. "I refuse to let this asshole get to you. You are my world. I can't imagine not having you in my life. I need you."

"I need you, too," I cried. "Why can't James leave me alone, though? I'm finally happy and he's..."

"Because he's a sadistic fucker that's obsessed with you," Edward snarled. I turned and looked into his sad, green eyes. "I love you, Bella. You know that. Even with all of the drama with James, I love you. Even with all of the drama with Jessica, you love me. You love Emma. You're her mother, baby. Her mommy. Move in with me, Bella. Be my family. Please?"


Her eyes filled with tears. She was torn. I desperately wanted to move her in with me. But, it needed to be on her own terms. I mentally begged for her to say yes. Bella was stubborn, though. She wasn't going to waver. Her trepidation was clear in her eyes.

"Okay," she whispered.

"Wait what?" I squeaked.

"I'll move in with you," she sighed, tears spilling over her cheeks.

"Really?" I asked as I cupped her face. "You'll move in?"

"Don't make me regret my decision, Edward," she said, staring into my eyes. "We can make it happen over President's Day weekend. I need to inform my landlord and get out of my lease. Fuck, that's a ton of money."

"Bella, don't worry about the money. I'll help you," I said.

"Edward, please. You make slightly more than me," she said, arching her brow.

"Have you seen where my parents live? Do you see what kind of cars I drive? Bella, I have more than enough money for both of us. I technically I don't have to work but I do since I'd be bored out of my mind if I didn't," I explained.

"Edward, I don't want you to support me," she snapped.

"I wouldn't be 'supporting' you, Bella. I'd be helping you. Protecting you," I whispered.

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