Chapter Thirteen

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Okay, new story...very close to my life. Kind of. I'm humbled by the reviews and responses that this story has already received. The alerts, reviews and hits are truly humbling. Thank you so much for taking the time read the ramblings from the depths of my brain. Much love to all of you!

Also, none of this belongs to me. Never will. I just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

Chapter Thirteen


I woke up early the next morning. Bella and Emma were both curled into my sides. Rather, Emma was on my chest while Bella was nestled into my arms. Emma's quiet snores were filling the room along with Bella's mumbling. I was dying of because of the heat of both of their bodies pressed against me. I was still dressed in my hoodie from yesterday along with my workout pants. I could feel the sweat drip down my torso.

I must have smelled so good. Like an elephant's ass. Do you hear the sarcasm in my thoughts?

Honestly, I don't know how I extricated from the hold from my daughter and my girl but I did. Emma crawled toward Bella and snuggled into her arms. Bella subconsciously kissed Emma's forehead and held her tightly to her chest. Tears pricked my eyes. Jessica may have bore Emma but Bella was Emma's mother. I barely made it into the bathroom. I clutched the sink and let a loan sob rip through my lips. I bit my lip to quell the onslaught of emotions. God, I'm such a fucking pussy.

Not really...I guess. I'm just dealing with a shitload of crap and it's finally hitting me.

I stripped out of my clothes and showered. I hadn't really had the opportunity to since I took Bella to the hospital. Jessica dropped Emma off running a high temperature. She said that she had to go to work and left my very sick daughter in my arms, whimpering quietly. Thankfully, I was able to get Emma into her pediatrician's office where she was diagnosed with the flu. She got her prescription and I was Nurse Daddy while my parents were with Bella. I never wanted to clone myself so badly as that first night after Bella had her migraine. I wanted to be there for my baby girl and for my girlfriend.

For fuck's sake...she's more than your girlfriend.

She was my heart. She completed my heart, my soul. She was my soul mate.

I finished my shower and padded into my walk-in closet. I slipped on a pair of jeans and shirt. Putting on my glasses, I kissed both of my girls' foreheads before heading down to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I dug out my waffle maker and decided to make bananas foster waffles for the two sleeping angels in my bed. Bella probably wouldn't be able to eat much but she needed something. In the three days since New Year's Eve, she lost so much weight.

I was nearly done with breakfast when Emma came downstairs. Her hair was a tangled knot on her head. Her green eyes were bleary and her clothes were rumpled. "Daddy, my throat hurts again," she whined. I removed the waffle I was working on out of the maker and placed my daughter on the kitchen counter. Her fever was definitely back with a vengeance.

"Open up, sweet girl," I said as she tilted her head back. Her throat was an angry red and her tonsils were very swollen. "We may have to go back to the doctor, Emma."

She snapped her mouth shut and tears fell down her cheeks. "No, Daddy. No doctor! I don't want a shot," she wailed.

"Shh, baby," I said as I wrapped my arms around her. "Your throat is really red and I don't want you to get strep."

"Can Bella come with?" Emma whispered.

"Let me call the doctor first to see if we can get in. If Bella is feeling well enough, we'll ask if she wants to go, okay?" I said as I kissed her forehead. Emma nodded and hugged me close. I hated when my daughter was sick. The fact that her mother just dropped her off irked me to no end. I'll be calling Jenks about Jessica's behavior. First leaving on a cruise during her scheduled visitation and then arbitrarily dropping her off while she was sick.

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