Chapter Thirty

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Okay, new story...very close to my life. Kind of. (Okay, not this part.) I'm humbled by the reviews and responses that this story has already received. The alerts, reviews and hits are truly humbling. Thank you so much for taking the time read the ramblings from the depths of my brain. Much love to all of you!

Also, none of this belongs to me. Never will. I just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

As I was writing this, it became the last real chapter of Finding Love Through Music. There will be an epilogue which will be posted soon. Thank you for following me through the journey of Bella and Professorward. I'm not putting an epic author's note at the end, so I'm putting it here. Pictures of their wedding, gifts and such are found on my blog (link in my profile). Also, check out my facebook group, Tufano79 Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. Extra teasers, conversations and Rob porn is found there. Finally, thank you everyone for reading and following me through this tumultuous journey of Bella and Professorward. I know I received some flack with the 'fake' ending of the last chapter; that I copped out with the birth of Bean and the fallout of the miscarriage. I kind of did. I still am, but it's because I don't want to portray it ineffectively. I've never been pregnant and subsequently, never lost a child. I don't know those feelings. Nor do I want to downplay them, either. I hope what I did with this chapter puts those of you at ease with my 'cop out.' Anyhow, if you have an issue about how I wrote this chapter, please PM me. Don't blast me publicly on a review. Thanks!

Chapter Thirty


I watched her sleep. After Bella said she'd marry me, she collapsed against my body. Her body and mind emotionally, mentally and physically wrecked from our coupling. I was wide awake as I held her. Her beautiful naked body was pressed up against me and she couldn't get any closer to me. Not that I was complaining. I wanted her as close to me as humanly possible. Forever.

Yeah, that would probably be an issue when it came to going to work. But a guy can wish, right?

"No...James, please..." Bella whimpered. She clawed at my chest.

"Shhh, love," I cooed. "I'm here. James won't hurt you."

She sobbed and moved ever closer to me, tucking her head underneath my chin. I gently rocked her and kissed her forehead as she fell back into a deep sleep, her nightmare forgotten. But not for long. I'm not sure, but our lovemaking must have triggered something in her subconscious. She was a mess all night. She cried and begged for James to stop. I just held her and tried to calm her as best I could.

I eventually drifted to sleep around dawn. Bella and I were still tangled together in a heap of naked limbs. The next time my eyes opened, I was in bed alone. Bella's side was cold, indicating that she had been up for awhile. I stretched my body and went to get dressed, forgoing the shower for the time being. I padded downstairs, searching for my fiancée. I didn't have to look far. She was on the back porch, sitting on one of the chaise lounges with Emma between her legs. Emma was getting her hair braided by Bella and I smiled softly at their interaction. My baby girl finally had a mother. A mother who loved her more than life itself.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and went to check on my girls. Opening the slider, I listened to Emma prattle on about the night she spent with Rose, Emmett and baby Lia. Apparently, Lia has colic and has a propensity to projectile vomit on everything and everyone. "You did the same, Emma-bear."

"Daddy!" she squealed. She hopped up from the chair and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I threw up everywhere?"

"Yep. Usually on your mother," I teased as I tweaked her nose. "Were you good for Bella?"

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