I'll Take Your Case, Mary!

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<<The dot on the wall was from a sniper gun. It would have been an easy kill shot over that distance from that kind of weapon - that's an outsider I'm looking for. But not just a marksmen, who didn't want to do what daddy said - her hand couldn't have shaken at all, so clearly she's acclimatised to violence. She didn't aim me or John not even 'til Moriarty was seeing it. So, strong moral principles to pursue her plan. I'm looking for a woman probably with a history of assassin service and nerves of steel to have this constant loyalty to her plan.>>, he thought.
Some keywords dropped in front of his inner eyes: sniper, outsider, plan, daddy, gang, nerves of steel, military history, loyalty,...
<<John Watson.>>, he whispered, <<No, John was next to me.>>, he denied his version fast.
He replayed some other keywords: sniper, plan, gang, outsider, assassin.
<<She's a marksman in Moriarty's gang, probably someone without family and friends. She had no future or past, that's why she joined Moriarty.>> Some keywords again:
assassin, without family and friends.
<<Watson.>>, he said again, <<Mary Watson. Mary Elizabeth Watson.>>
*mind palace with the pool's scene again*
Sherlock freezed everyone and every action and teleported himself to the roof, finding there Mary Morstan. <<She doesn't hold the rifle straight at him. I don't know whether her aim should have been John or me. But we may consider it the first time she felt something for you, right, John?>>, Sherlock shouted to freezen John. <<She knows that Moriarty can't control her at that moment. So, soon or late, Mary ruined all connections with Jim and forgot about him, being interested only in winning John's heart.>>, he thought.
<<Mary was a cat lover. Her initial became MEW after she had married John Watson. That's a satire of the sender of the cat. Then the sender is Mary's enemy, but no one is left from A.G.R.A.>>, continued pondering the consulting detective.
<<I ruined Moriarty's gang all over the wor->>, Sherlock stuttled. <<Of course! To deal with the UK's gang was Mycroft's obligation, he probably let a few Moriarty's people get away with it. It's almost unreal - to imagine somebody arresting Sebastian Moran, he's approximately as dangerous as James himself.>>, Sherlock tried to guess the sender of the cat.
<<Mary forgot Moriarty, Moriarty forgot Mary. But Moran remembers her being a betrayer and decides to let her friends know about that after the death of his boss as a revenge. He knows she's dead, but it's never late to hurt her closest friends and family. And how am I supposed to tell John about it all?>>, Sherlock asked himself desperately.
*mind place end*
He went into John's room, totally panicked and confused.
<<I->>, the Consulting Detective started and stopped immediately as he saw John sleeping with Rosie in his arms.
<<Sherly?>>, Rosie whispered and toddled to him.
<<Hey, my lil' girl. We need to hurry up before daddy wakes up.>>, Sherlock had whispered before he lifted Rosie up and carried her to the living room.
He sat down on his armchair and put Rosie on his lap.
<<Dad?>>, she asked.
<<Yes, Rosie.>>, the Consulting Detective answered.
<<Can you tell me something about your unsolved cases?>>
<<What's the magic word?>>, Sherlock asked smiling.
<<Abracadabra, hex, hex!>>, she replied and waved her hands above their heads.
<<Right. You know that I've solved literally every case, right?>>, he asked his little girl.
<<Yep.>>, she answered while still waiting for his story.
<<Well then I'll improvise. Okay?>>, he said and Rosie started laughing.
He told her a story named "Sherlock The Dragon Slayer". He always told her this story because she loved it the most.
It was about a man and this man was living in a little house near a tiny river. The man had curly long brown hair and a dog. Dog's name was Redbeard. They were always together and had fun doing their daily stuff. They caught thieves, murderers, liars and swindlers. Ten years passed like that 'til there came a big, big enemy. They called him "The Dragon". It was very, very dangerous. It took them more than a lifetime but they've beaten it.
He had told her the story more than a thousand times but Rosie was every time exited again. She loved that story so much.
<<But for now, we both need to get some sleep.>>, he whispered while lifting the girl up.
He carried her back to John's room and brought her back to John's arms.
This finally woke John up.
<<Sherl-...>>, he whispered.
<<Good night.>>, Sherlock whispered to both of them and covered them with a blanket.
<<Good night to you too.>>, John responded.
Sherlock quietly went to his room. He was thinking about Mary again. And John. He didn't want to upset him.
Suddenly Sherlock's phone shortly rang, it was a message. He took his phone and started reading:
<<I lost my track so you most likely know about the device and everything about Mary. I may admit that you've beaten my boss, but now you have to struggle with me ~SM xx >>
<<He's as gay as his boss. They would have made a great couple.>>, said Sherlock to himself and smirked.