For God's... Greg!!

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Sherlock got up earlier than John and made him a cup of tea and put it on a bedside table. After that, he started to check news on his laptop while sitting on a chair.
Then John got up, he immediately put clothes on himself before Sherlock could even notice that he was awake.
<<Good morning!>>, Sherlock greeted him, standing up from a chair and turning to him and smiling.
<<Morning..>>, the soldier answered seriously.
<<Tea?>>, Sherlock offered and turned his gaze to a cup of tea on the bedside table.
<<No, thanks. I'll drink coffee.>>, John refused and went to the kitchen.
Sherlock was buffled by such a behavior of his friend, but he followed him to the kitchen.
The doctor was making coffee just for himself.
<<Molly and Rosie are visiting Tim today. Would you like to join them with me?>>, the detective suggested.
<<No, I'm meeting.. Mike.>>, John lied not even looking into Sherlock's direction, <<In the afternoon.>>
<<Oh, that's a pity. But may I go with you?>>, Sherlock asked him.
<<I don't think we'll be... needing you. But Lestrade promised to visit you with a case.>>, John told him.
<<Oh, okay. Have fun.>>, Sherlock said disappointed while his smile was disappearing from his face with each of John's replies.
He went back to his room, closing a door. That was one of the rarest cases when Sherlock had to call his brother for "help".
<<Mycroft, I need all information where and when Mike Stamford had been for the last month and especially for the moment.>>, the detective asked his brother, calling him.
In half an hour Mycroft sent him the places Mike had been in. For that moment Mike was in another city, John could have not known that.
<<Such a stupid excuse, but where is he now?>>, the detective questioned himself.
And John had already gone.
Suddenly the detective got upset because of being rejected by his best friend and he decided to go outside for a walk.
He walked his way through London, passing by a glass wall of a pub. He stopped for a moment, thinking over some possible reasons for John to behave like this and then he turned his head and looked through the glass.
He saw John there drinking alone. The doctor didn't drink much, he took a sip once in two minutes, he was deep in his thoughts.
Sherlock couldn't stand there being lied to. He wasn't offended by his friend drinking alone but he was rather offended by John's lies. The detective thought there was no reason for John to lie about going to pub even in afternoon, it could be understandable.
Sherlock returned home and sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the wall like John did a couple of days ago.
John was back home in the late evening and walked right into their room not thinking about that Sherlock could have been there.
<<Oh, I...>>, he stuttered.
<<You've been lying to me, haven't you?>>, Sherlock asked still looking at the wall and the fanart, <<Mike isn't in London now, and he hadn't been there for weeks.>>
<<You've called Mycroft?>>, John asked avoiding the topic.
<<And you've lied to me.>>, Sherlock replied.
<<Why did you call Mycroft?!>>, the doctor asked.
<<Why, John. This is an excellent question.>>, he turned himself to John looking straight into his eyes, <<Why did you lie to me?>>
<<I...>>, John whispered.
<<Better question: Why are you avoiding me?>>, the detective asked.
<<I'm not avoiding you, Sherlock!>>, John answered quickly and annoyed of Sherlock's questions.
<<Oh, no? Well, then tell me why were you in a pub, drinking alone? I don't say that you're not allowed to, of course you are. What I mean is, why did you tell me you're meeting Mike but instead of this you went to a pub? Why didn't you want my tea, of course it's okay but the way you said it... Never mind, I'm not at this high place to say this...>>, Sherlock uttered his feelings about the topic and got interrupted.
<<I just don't know how deal with it.>>, John admitted.
<<With what?>>, Sherlock wondered.
<<With us? The thing between us... Ugh, I don't know. You're my best friend, aren't you? I mean, what else could it be? We're friends, are we?>>, the doctor mumbled a bit, <<What are we?>>
<<I don't know.>>, Sherlock admitted seriously.
<<But how we can understand whether there is something between us or not?>>, the doctor asked being confused.
<<Let's check it out>>, the detective suggested being excited for such an experiment.
<<Wha-...>>, John asked but got interrupted by Sherlock's kiss.
They kissed shyly with no emotions.
<<Do you feel anything special?>>, Sherlock asked, interrupting the kiss.
<<Mmm>>, John uttered doubting and moved his head to the left, making a pause.
<<And what about now?>>, Sherlock asked and pushed the soldier to the wall kissing him passionately.
<<Mmmmm.>>, John replied more lyrical while kissing him back.
John's body was pressed tighter and tighter against the wall by Sherlock, while the detective tried to take the doctor's shirt off.
<<Sherl...>>, he uttered but got interrupted by another lustful kiss.
John became infected by his partner's actions and so his hands found the way to the first button on the detective's purple shirt.
During this John kissed Sherlock's neck passionately.
Suddenly the door was opened by someone.
<<Well, Sherlock I need your help!! This is quite a...>>, Lestrade said quickly and hard breathing while entering the room without looking. <<Oh my God!!!>>, he literally screamed as he saw them and left the room as fast as he entered it and closed the door loudly.
<<For God's sake!!!!>>, Sherlock cursed angrily and went some steps back to put his shirt on, <<For God's... Greg what are you doing here?!>>
Lestrade, while leaning on the bathroom's door still trying to deny the pictures out off his head, didn't hear what Sherlock asked and just whispered a bit happy but still disturbed: <<Finally! Yes!!>>, and clapped his hands.
For one second he forgot about everything until Sherlock came out of the room still being angry.
<<For God's sake!! You'd better have a really good case to even begin to apologize for this!!>>, he yelled at him totally overreacting, <<So, if not. You should better leave now before I start to kill you.>>
<<Sherlock!>>, Greg said furiously.
<<Sherlock!>>, Mrs Hudson shouted from their kitchen.
<<Anyone else wanna say my name totally angry?>>, he asked annoyed.
<<Sherlock!>>, John uttered.
<<You?!>>, the detective asked a bit shocked.
<<Never mind. The case. Sherlock.>>, the doctor said trying to pretend that he wouldn't be ashamed.
<<No, John, for this moment, you are my case.>>, the detective said while entering the room again and closing it.
<<I know who we are. This thing is called being someone's date.>>, Sherlock said fast and left John thinking it over.
<<Greg?>>, Sherlock asked after exiting and closing the room again.
<<Ahh... right....>>, Lestrade explained his case which wasn't an apology for Sherlock to got interrupted but he accepted what had happened and tried to deny the feeling of shame in his veins.