Curse Or Bless?

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A couple of days passed. Sherlock solved Greg's case easily and very fast.
He still was annoyed with the fact that Greg had interrupted them by...<< what ever it was>>, Sherlock thought.
But his thoughts were interrupted by another event...
He had a feeling that something was wrong with John. The doctor was deep in his thoughts, the detective noticed and tried to talk to him. John didn't answer.
Sherlock felt useless because of being not a good help for his friend. He knew why John was in this mood but he didn't know how to deal with it and how to help him.
In the early evening Sherlock asked John for a walk with Rosie and Mrs Hudson to the graveyard and John seemed more and more to be thoughtful.
Not only Sherlock noticed that.
<<We'll leave you alone, John, for a few minutes.>>, Mrs Hudson said, <<Rosie give Mommy this rose, she loves roses. And then come with me.>>
Rosie put the rose right next to the gravestone and left.
She knew that this was the grave of her Mum but she never knew her, so she wasn't really sad or something, but she didn't feel good either.
After a few seconds Sherlock started: <<John.>>
He made a long pause.
<<I know why you were so weird today's morning. And I know that this isn't easy for you... Even after all these years... But I want you to know that I am here for you.>>, the detective continued while looking at Mary's gravestone, <<And I know that she wants me to be there for you both. I made a vow, do you remember?>>
<<I do and that's really nice of you. But for now, could you please leave me alone with my thoughts?>>
<<Sure, but don't get too deep in your thoughts.>>, Sherlock patted him on his back and walked to the church, leaning on a wall and looking sometimes at his friend.
As far as Sherlock could see it, while waiting at the church, John was talking to Mary. For a very long time and at some moments he was looking at Sherlock.
John remained silent while thinking about some words to say to her. His gaze went to an old oak tree. Under this tree was a bench where Mary was sitting.
<<How are you, John?>>, she asked smiling.
<<I'm okay.>>, he mumbled.
<<Oh, John, sit down please. It makes me nervous when you're standing there like this.>>, Mary said.
He sat down next to her and stayed silent again.
<<John, tell me something about your life.>>, Mary asked him, <<How is it going?>>
<<I... I don't know "how" it's going, Mary.>>, John whispered, <<In the past months the strange things came back. We've had some cases to solve and... and... can you imagine this? - We have two cats now.>>
<<Oh, I always wanted to have a cat, can you remember?>>, she asked laughing.
<<Of course.>>, he answered and continued pondering, <<I don't know. I really don't know how it's going. Maybe it's going strange and weird and all in all crazy?>>
<<Why?>>, his former wife asked.
<<Never mind.>>, he answered avoiding the topic, <<It's just crazy.>>
<<What about the others?>>, she asked, <<Sherlock, Molly, Mycroft, Greg,...>>
<<Greg still has issues with solving cases...>>
<<Ah, our great detective inspector!!>>, Mary said laughing.
<<And Mycroft is back to his office doing what the government has to do.>>, he continued, <<Molly lives in our old house now, she has a boyfriend, and they really seem happy together.>>
<<Ohh, I wish her the best!!>>, Mary said.
<<We all do this.>>, John answered smiling.
<<What about him?>>, she asked.
<<Sherlock... is Sherlock, he still can't deal with TV shows or other music except his own.>>, they laughed, <<And Mrs Hudson always tries to keep our flat clean and she always messes up with him.>>
<<Yeaah, I do recall our landlady and how she is obsessed with house work discipline.>>, Mary agreed.
<<Also, you two... Oh, Mrs Hudson must be crying for happinnes.>>, Mary added, laughing a bit.
<<Wha- Oh, she doesn't know.>>, he answered smiling shyly.
<<I'm pretty sure she knows it.>>, Mary answered, <<You aren't good at keeping secrets.>>
<<Well... I'm not gay.>>, he said.
<<Well then you're at least bi.>>, Mary answered a bit annoyed, <<I'm pretty sure Sherlock would reply something like, you can't deny the truth by telling that the truth isn't right.>>
<<What?>>, John asked confused.
<<You used to say that you aren't gay so many times that you can't pretend and reject this anymore.>>
<<By the way. You two have got my bless.>>, Mary added.
<<What? I wasn't even->>, John asked confused.
<<Wasn't it what you have been trying to ask for?>>, she asked smiling, <<If it's okay for me?>>
<<I..>>, John stuttered.
<<It is.>>, Mary said, <<And to be honest, I can't imagine someone else on your side.>>
John looked at her with his eyes full of gratefulness for understanding him.
<<So almost nothing has changed.>>, Mary said but suddenly John saw sadness in her eyes. She made a long pause.
<<And... How is she?>>, she asked with a broken voice.
<<Oh, she's fantastic.>>, John answered close to cry, <<She's like you.>>
A tear flowed down his cheek.
<<Joyful, always ready to have fun, she loves to go outside...>>, he stopped because he couldn't hold his tears anymore.
<<John, stop it.>>, she whispered in tears, <<It's not the time to be sad.>>
<<No.>, he mumbled seriously.
<<Why?>>, he asked after a few seconds.
Sherlock saw John, whose eyes were full of tears, and he couldn't just stay in the corner and look at this, he came closer to John and took his hand, clenching it, which was a sign for John to stay strong.
There were some people heading to the church, exiting the graveyard. A flashlight, which came from that crowd, destroyed the ghost and John, sobbing, asked Sherlock to go back to Mrs Hudson and Rosie. He didn't let him release his hand.
After they returned, they went home and ate dinner with Mrs Hudson, and then Rosie went to sleep.
After that John enjoyed listening to Sherlock playing the violin.
The doctor went to bed earlier than Sherlock, who was searching something on his laptop as he suddenly got a message on his phone:

"Poor John, he was
such a handsome boyfriend, wasn't he?
I'd enjoy my revenge" ~SM

Sherlock ignored this message as it didn't look plausible. He followed his friend to their bedroom but his thoughts were keeping him awake. He was trying to get the meaning of this message and who the sender might be. The detective started pondering about the first clue he got: if it would be a revenge, then Sherlock himself ruined someone else's relationship. The least impossible option was that the sender is a woman. Then it was a man, and if he noticed a little kind of relationship between Sherlock and John, then he was quite knowledgeable about gay couples, and probably was one of them, revengе for his boyfriend.
<<Exactly, boyfriend. Not a husband yet. The message's tone is ardent and passionate, that's the proof. Boyfriend>>, Sherlock stated in his mind.
<<Whose boyfriend's reason to die have I been?>>, and he went through all possible male name combinations with SM.
Being sleepy he looked at John, who was peacefully sleeping close to him, Sherlock fell asleep too. He couldn't yet imagine that exactly this person, the one who he cared about the most, might suffer from their relationship.