Fear In The Beer

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Nothing special happened as Sherlock woke up in the early morning. He did what he always did: drinking tea and then bringing Rosie to school.
He felt something different as he walked back home, sometimes he turned around and had this terrible feeling as someone was watching him.
He immediately remembered about the message but denied it as he passed a bakery. He bought some buns and croissants for John and himself.
His friend was still sleeping when he came back so he used this time to make breakfast for him. 
<<Jesus, Sherlock I'm starving!>>, he said while sitting down on a chair.
John ate fast and nonstop and it seemed like he had eaten nothing in the last days but Sherlock was sure he had.
<<Mmmmm>>, John mumbled while eating, <<By the way, I know it's random but wanna go to a pub with me?>>
<<Sure.>>, Sherlock answered without thinking about what his friend actually asked him for.
<<What?>>, he asked.
<<A pub. You, me, having fun.>>, the doctor explained.
Sherlock remained silent.
<<Sherlock, we don't have to if you don't want to.>>, John said, being worried.
<<Nah. I already said that we can.>>, the detective answered.
Sherlock was searching on his laptop for the riddle of the day and John was drinking tea with their landlady. He had tidied Rosie's room before they went to a pub.
<<John, are you sure that we want to go in there?>>, Sherlock asked.
<<Yes.>>, the doctor answered while pushing him into the bar.
<<Hey guys!>>, the barkeeper asked, <<Two little shots for the beginning?>>
<<No.>>, Sherlock answered whereas John simultaneously answered: <<Yes!>>
They got two shots anyway.
Sherlock drank it slowly while John already drank two glasses. 
John suggested playing a game to get Sherlock to drink more.
They played a bad game but it worked.
As soon as they both were close to be drunk Sherlock suddenly asked his friend: <<Wanna take my hand for a lil' dance, Johnny Boy?>> 
He couldn't continue because it was too late and as soon as John opened his eyes again they stood in a crowd of dancing people.
Sherlock could feel the former soldier's hands sweating as he was holding them.
<<I assume it's much easier if I let your hands go?>>, he said, questioning and immediately letting his hands go as he saw him nodding shyly. 
Sherlock suddenly had a clear mind for a moment, he could only think about the reason why he got in the centre of a corridor which led to a dancing zone whereas he actually didn't want to dance. 
John started moving awkwardly by rhythm and Sherlock just got even a bit more shy so he moved pretending to dance closer to the exit so that nobody could see them. 
Suddenly, a waiter, who hurried up to deliver some drinks to guests, turned up from the left corner, only John saw him and moved back to the wall to let him pass by, but the waiter found his way to the left to Sherlock and he accidentally hooked Sherlock's jacket and spilled a drink on it. The waiter got ashamed and headed faster to the dancing zone and got lost in a crowd. 
Sherlock was pushed by him towards, to the wall and got stopped by a strong soldier's hand not to bump into him.
In the result, Sherlock in a wet jacket had his hand on the wall, preventing an accident, and John had his hands on the detective's shoulders, again to prevent an accident. Sherlock vaguely remembered the experience they had a few days ago, so did John but alcohol controlled their minds, so the soldier started to unbutton his pubmate's jacket. When finished, Sherlock strongly put his second hand on the wall, turned his head to the right, and said: <<Thank you, it's wet, I have to put it off anyway.>>, and let John out of his "pressure" to put the jacket off on his own. Then he brought it to a chair and left it there, coming back to John. 
As he returned, a good song came up.
<<Sherl, do you know this song?>>, John asked, being excited and grabbed his hands, heading to the dancing zone and they started dancing together. 
Sherlock could barely observe behind the strong soldier's back while dancing that someone left a small piece of paper next to their cubs, but couldn't notice that because of the alcohol, which denied his observation skills. He simply ignored this and they continued dancing.
As they woke up the next morning they could find themselves laying on the stairs of their flat.
Sherlock groaned in pain when he got up.
He had a hurtful headache and backache.
<<John?>>, he asked mumbling.
<<Jooohn! C'mon wake up!>>, he started to raise his voice.
<<Psssscht!>>, his mate answered sleepily.
<<Boys, what are you doing here?!>> Mrs Hudson suddenly asked, turning up in front of them. 
<<Can you please talk more quietly..?>>, John murmured. 
<<No, I can't!!>>, the landlady shouted back to them as a joke.
Both turned their heads back and made a hurtful face. Moaning again.
<<You two better should go into your bed.>>
<<Great hint Mrs Hudson!>>, Sherlock noticed and went upstairs.
The doctor followed him and went into the bathroom to wash his face with cold water.
<<Take this pill.>>, Sherlock said putting a cup next to him, <<For your head.>>
As Sherlock finally felt a bit better he could remember the tiny paper someone gave them. He searched in his pockets and read:
<<What if I know your darkest secret and much more?>>
Sherlock started laughing: <<What could it be?">>
But as he continued reading his laughing face turned into a serious and scared face.
<<I know what you did to John. Oh Sherlock, poor man. I know you know that Mycroft isn't that innocent you might pretend to.
Oh, just talking about Mary's death. SM>> 
<<Sherlock?>>, John asked sleepy, <<Are you fine?>>
<<Yes, yes.>>, he answered quickly, <<Headache. Just a headache. Haven't slept enough.>>
He crumpled up the paper and put it in his pocket before he left.
His head was full of scenarios.
<<What would he do if he found out?>>, he asked himself 314159265358979,77 times.
<<What would Moran do if I won't do what he wants?>>, he asked himself once and got no plan to avoid his nemesis.
Not this time. Sherlock felt helpless and useless. He always got a plan, why not now? He also knew that John would know that something was wrong.
The next few days Sherlock was so busy with hiding his emotions and fears that he didn't see what influence it had on their relationship. 
At nights he went outside, on days he slept, when John asked something he answered quickly; he didn't pay attention to Rosie.
Sherlock felt like being on a roller coaster which gained speed the more he tried to avoid his friend. A switchback which wouldn't stop until he would tell John about Moran or until he would jump out of it no matter what it cost. Whatever he would choose he knew he would lose John and Rosie anyways. And that was the most difficult part of it all. And that was what Moran knew exactly and pretty good. He knew his opponent 
in that way better than Sherlock himself.  Moran knew that Sherlock would try not to let his emotions and behaviour out of control. But this was the detective's mistake. By denying his feelings about Mary's death and not telling John the whole truth he let it close to himself and more or less it had to destroy everything. And this point came out now…