Just A Friendship, Huh?

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Sherlock was awakened by a loud rumble, he looked immediately at John's side of the bed, but the former soldier wasn't there anymore.
<<Mrs. Hudson! We need to be quiet.>>, he heard the unmistakable voice of his roommate and smiled.
He covered himself with a blanket and walked out of the room to see what they were doing.
<<Good morning, Sherlock!>>, the landlady said friendly and smiled.
Sherlock nodded sleepy.
<<Where is Rosie?>>, he asked, <<Eh, John. I mean John.>>
<<I'm at Rosie's room, Sherlock.>>, John shouted.
<<And good morning, by the way.>>, he added.
<<What are you two doing?>>, the detective asked confused and still sleepy.
<<Decorating. You know, we've been talking about it. Mrs Hudson was so good at helping me while you were sleeping.>>, John explained, <<But could you please put something on and help me with the rest?>>
Sherlock didn't answer and went back to his room and put some old clothes on. Then he helped his friend emptying Rosie's room and painting the walls with an orange color.
The men had much fun while painting until John started to paint at Sherlock's face.
<<What?!>>, he asked a bit shocked but still smiling.
<<No, I just...I just mistook you?>>, John stuttered shyly.
<<So you mean I'm tall as a wall, bright as this white wall and cold like this wall?>>, Sherlock asked while putting a paint on his brush.
He pretended to paint the wall but planned something totally different.
<<Maybe, but the last one is definitely not true, you're not cold, it's been a fact for me since our dark room adventure..>>, John said more and more shyly which made the detective laugh.
<<Then you just deserve a revenge, do you?>>, the youngest Holmes asked and painted on John's arm.
This ended up in a little fight with the paint and after all this the men were more colorful than the wall.
<<Well, stop, stop!>>, John shouted, hard breathing and laughing, <<I guess we're finished.>>
<<You look so good.>>, Sherlock said not thinking about what he said and not regretting the words he chose.
John as he was always good at avoiding and ignoring situations like this just said: <<We did a great Job with the wall, Rosie will like the color.>>
Sherlock nodded smiling.
They had to wait till they could decorate her room, so they decided to continue painting their room.
It was already noon and they had a snack before they continued with their decorating plans.
After the color had dried they took the furniture back at the rooms and placed it comfortably.
John built the "pillow barrier" again which annoyed Sherlock. He thought it was very childish. Neither Rosie would do this. But he accepted it, because he accepted everything about John, even the thing that he always used to say he was not gay, to everyone who just seemed to be thinking about it.
Mrs Hudson took Rosie back from school and went with her and Tim to a playground.
While both men still had to wait for their delivery they played with Ginger and Mycroft. The cats weren't very enthusiastic and lost the motivation very quickly.
In the early evening a van finally arrived with their new cupboard and a new desk for Rosie.
Before starting to build a cupboard Sherlock was learning the instructuons in a manual in details.
<<Relax, it's a simple cupboard, we'll deal with it. These instructions and rules do exist only for fools!>>, the former soldier stated.
John took everything in his strong soldier's hands and they did it together.
Mrs Hudson and Rosie entered their room.
<<Oh, you two built the cupboard! Great job, boys.>>, the landlady congratulated them.
<<Dad, daddy, thank you very much for decorating my room! It's adorable! Your room looks good too.>>, the little girl said happily and ran to her room.
The men smiled happily and started to finish their work and cleaning the room. Mrs Hudson left the room too. While cleaning the mess the men heard some fighting noises from the street. As the detective always loved adventures, he ran to the window to look what was happening there.
<<I'm going there, might be related to Lestrade's case.>>, Sherlock informed Watson. <<Would the soldier of the fifth Northumberland Fusiliers like to join me?>>, he added and looked at his friend, smiling.
<<Sure, why not!>>, John told him with an excitement in his voice.
Sherlock picked his coat up and John took his jacket.
When the men went out of the house, the fighters had already moved to the end of the street. The bakerstreet boys only saw them turning left and they ran there. When they turned left there was no one in the street. The detective and the doctor were looking for them in the one more nearest street but they found no one. The men had nothing to do but to return back home. They were talking on their way home.
<<Alright, it doesn't matter that much I think. They should have been just junkies fighting.>>, Sherlock guessed.
John didn't pay much attention for it, to the chase. He enjoyed spending time with his friend and this marvellous night atmosphere.
<<Yeah, probably...>>, John agreed and made a mysterious and a bit long pause, <<It's so beautiful here...>>, he whispered, looking around.
<<Yeah, the night and a dim light makes this atmosphere so peaceful, mysterious and...>>, Sherlock agreed.
<<And romantic.>>, John added to his friend's speech and laughed. Sherlock laughed too.
Then they got home and had a dinner with a hot cup of tea.
Sherlock ate everything fast and went to the living room and sat near the fireplace looking at the flame. The light was off and there was no one in the room except Sherlock. When John ate the dinner he followed his friend and sat next to him, staring at the flame too.
<<You know what, John?>>, Sherlock began the talk.
<<What?>>, John whispered in reply.
<<I did find it romantic too.>>, the young detective confessed.
<<It? The atmosphere or the walk?>>, the doctor asked and smirked. He didn't get an answer.
<<Wait, what..>>, John realised only a few minutes later, <<But how? You don't know feelings, you deny them, you live by science.>>
<<That's not quite right, John.>>, the consulting detective argued and stood up, heading to the door, <<I'll prove you the opposite...>>, he whispered while escaping the room, but John could barely hear him.
Sherlock went to their room and turned the light off, getting ready for sleep. The barrier was at its place, separating the men.
John quietly entered the bedroom and got himself ready for sleeping.
Before laying down next to his friend but not that close as he probably wanted because of the barrier, John was looking at perfectly shaped detective's figure.
John was laying on his back and thinking over the night walk.
First of all, he did regret not touching his companion comparing to playing a hostage and running from the police being handcuffed to each other. A sudden and strong desire to touch Sherlock turned up in his mind. The soldier's hand found its way through the pillows and covered Sherlock's hand.
Whereas Sherlock felt a warmth through his dream, then he realised that it somehow was John's hand covering his hand. Sherlock clenched their hands into a fist for a few seconds and released it then. It was an unexpected reaction even for Sherlock.
The young detective could have wanted to discuss the action but he wasn't sure whether it was done in John's sleep by accident or John really wanted to.