Chapter 4: The Future of the Light

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"You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!"

Ahsoka could hear the yelling of master Obi-Wan Kenobi. She could not see the scene clearly through a cloud of grey mist, but it was obvious enough who he was talking to. Through the mist, she could just barely make out the figure of Obi-Wan, with Anakin helplessly burning below him.

"I HATE YOU!!!!" Anakin screamed.

The scene dissapeared. Obi-Wan was gone, and for a brief moment, Ahsoka could see a black figure in a suit in mask where Anakin was, and she heard a loud mechanical breathing noise.

The figure was quickly gone, and in it's place she could sense the presence of her good friend, Padmé Amidala. However, she couldn't exactly see her, more see blurry images, even more blurry than Anakin and Obi-Wan had been.

"There's still good in him..." Padmé said. "I know..."

She fell silent.

As the scene disappeared, Ahsoka could barely make out what sounded like babies crying.

Ahsoka awoke with a jolt. She quickly felt around to see where she was. She found herself in the same room as before.

The vision from the night before had made Ahsoka lose the hope that her dreams would provide an escape from reality, at least for now.

Then, she tried to get out of bed. Her knees buckled for a moment, but she was thankfully able to stand. She still didn't feel all that well, but she had to address some things to the survivors.

She opened the door leading into the hallway and looked around. A Togruta roughly her age walked by and noticed her.

Ahsoka remembered this Padawan. It was Morra Sevarro, who was a friend of hers before she left the Order.

"Ahsoka," she said, "You're okay!"

She hugged Ahsoka and their Lekku brushed up against one another.

Morra stepped away.

"I was so worried!" She said.

Morra hadn't undergone the growth spurt Ahsoka had a few months prior, so her Lekku still only dripped barely below her neck. They were bound to grow longer, however.

"Well," Ahsoka said, "I'm all okay now. Say, where is everyone?"

"In the training rooms," Morra said. "You were out for a while."

"Well," Ahsoka said, "Let's go pay them a visit!"

Ahsoka walked into the largest room in the ship. Lyda had helped round them up for a meeting, and everyone plus Lux was there, except for those who required medical attention.

The Survivors looked up at her as if she was Grand Master Yoda. She was nervous, thinking that the new Jedi would want her to be their leader. She didn't think she was really up for that.

Still, she at least had to give them hope.

She took a deep breath.

"Well, hello, and... well, I'm a little nervous, but I think I owe you all an explanation."

She then went on to explain the events leading up to her intervening at the Temple.

"After I left the Order, I made my way over to Onderon. I ran into some issues with Pirates, and narrowly avoided getting sucked into the vacuum of space. I eventually made it to Onderon, and took advantage of my relationship with the Rebels there. They allowed me to stay, but then the Separatists came and I was abducted by Grievous. He was going to have me executed, but I fought him off and escaped using his starfighter. Then, I started having visions about what was going to happen at the temple. As soon as I was able to piece together when it would happen, Lux and I came to save you all. I know it's a pretty lengthy explanation, but I know you were all confused as to why I'm here."

Ahsoka looked over to Lyda, who smirked at her. She had obviously caught on about Lux and Ahsoka's relationship, and could tell Ahsoka was leaving something out. It was surprising she chose not to blurt it out in front of everyone.

"I... I know these are hard times, but..." Ahsoka tried to continue.

"Don't worry," Morra spoke up, "I know you'll be a great leader for us."

Ahsoka was shocked.

"L-leader!? You want me to be the Grand Master!? Come on, there's people in here older than me! I'm no Grand Master!"

But Morra wouldn't have it.

"All in favor of having Ahsoka Tano as the new Grand Master of the Jedi Order, raise your hand!" she shouted.

Everyone, literally everyone, raised their hand. Lux, too, was raiding his hand and smiling at Ahsoka.

Ahsoka's stomach felt like it flipped over.

"Well, I... I don't know what to say..."

A tear dripped down her cheek.

"I accept."

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