Chapter 30: An Old Friend

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Ahsoka's brilliant white lightsabers once again clashed against the red of First Sister's.

"Your time is over," First Sister said. "You've already proven yourself to be a thorn in my Master's side."

Ahsoka shoved her back and jumped over her, attempting to strike her in the back. First Sister turned around quickly and blocked the blow.

"If I was such a thorn in his side, why did he send a lap dog instead of fighting me himself?"

First Sister grunted and shoved Ahsoka back. She spun her lightsaber around and lunged at Ahsoka, but she jumped over her, forcing First Sister to turn around quickly again to block another blow.

"Lord Vader doesn't have the time for nerf-herders like you," First Sister mocked.

The clones who were standing around them started to fire on Lux and Ahsoka. Lux shot a few down before he ran over to the cell Saw was in and punched the controls. The ray-shield turned off and Lux tossed Saw a blaster.

"Remember that one time I said I'd always have your back?" Lux said.

"I think I was the one who said that," Saw replied.

"Well then let's have each others backs," Lux continued.

The two focused on defeating the squad of clones, while Ahsoka dueled the First Sister.

A clone was just about to shoot Lux from behind when Ahsoka quickly shoved against First Sister and stabbed the clone in the back. She quickly turned her attention back to First Sister, who was just about to stab her from behind.

Ahsoka pushed hard against First Sister, sending her stumbling back. Ahsoka struck at her again, but First Sister managed to block the blow.

"You have no form," Ahsoka said. "You rely to much on your saber."

First Sister charged at Ahsoka with her lightsaber spinning, but she deflected it. First Sister then tried to strike at Ahsoka again twice, but both blows were deflected.

"But I know how to break you," First Sister said.

She charged with her lightsaber spinning, but not at Ahsoka.

She was charging at Lux.

"LUX!!" Ahsoka yelled.

Lux quickly ducked under what would have been a killing blow, and Ahsoka leaped over to First Sister. She was forced to quickly turn around to try and hit Ahsoka, but Ahsoka hit her so hard that she stumbled back.

Ahsoka took the opportunity to lunge at First Sister and land a blow.

While she didn't manage to deal any sort of damaging blow to her, she shaved off the front portion of her mask. First Sister quickly stumbled back and grasped her face and turned off her lightsaber.


The voice of First Sister suddenly became immediately recognizable without the mask, and it felt like a dagger going straight into her heart.

First Sister looked up.

A tear dripped down Ahsoka's eye.

"B-Barriss..." She stuttered, "N-no, not you too..."

Barriss looked up at Ahsoka. She looked into the eyes of her old friend, except they were a bright yellow in color, a sign that they had been twisted and turned to the dark side.

And in those eyes she saw nothing but pure and utter hatred.

And all of it was directed at her.

"Do you think I care?" Barriss said. "Do you think I care about you!? About the Jedi!?"

"I thought you did," Ahsoka said, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I HATE YOU!!" Barriss screamed. She reignited her lightsaber and charged at Ahsoka once more.

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