Chapter 24: Leaving for a Mission

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"Okay," Ahsoka said, "most of our supplies are still on the Crucible, and it wouldn't exactly be the best of ideas to take it to Onderon. Besides, it's big and easily identifiable. We'll get shot out of the sky before we lay eyes on Iziz."

"Well," Lux said, "it's our only option."

"Actually," Huyang chimed in from behind them. "It's not your only option. The escape pod is equipped with a Hyperdrive in case of any dire emergencies. It isn't your conventional escape pod, however, more like a ship attached to this one."

"What!?" They both said.

"It is one of the many new features to this ship that was added following our debacle with the Pirates."

"Well good," Ahsoka said, "that solves that problem."

"That still doesn't mean we'll be shot out of the sky," Lux continued. "Without proper identifacation, we can't-"

"Lux, you're a senator," Ahsoka said. "You can get in there."

"Not anymore," Lux said. "The Empire probably wants my head on a silver platter."

"But you don't have to tell them you're the Senator," Ahsoka argued. "You can send them the security code and get by. Plus, if it's a trap, they'll let us in anyways."

"Why do you think this is a trap?"

"Captain Ackbar told me a thing or two about being wary of traps back on a mission to Mon Cala," she said. "This is obviously a trap."

"Then why are we going?"

"I'm an expert at springing traps," she said. "My master taught me a few things about that."

Lux sighed.

"Well," he said, "we should get going."

"Right behind you," Ahsoka replied.

The two walked down the hall of the ship and came to a ladder. They climbed up it, and saw what looked like a small fighter that would be attached to a ship like a VCX-100 light freighter.

"Well," Ahsoka said, "this'll do."

"Good luck," Huyang said, "you might need it."

"Thanks," Ahsoka said.

She walked into the cockpit and pushed a few buttons. The door closed behind them and there was a brief clunk noise, followed by the ship levitating slightly.

"What's wrong, Ahsoka?" Lux clearly picked up on Ahsoka's stress.

"I'm just... everything's happening so fast," she said. "What was it, like, a little over a week ago when I started having those visions?"

Lux sighed.

"Well," he said, "I know one thing."


"I'll always be there for you when something like this happens."

Ahsoka giggled, and Lux kissed her on the cheek.

"Thanks, Lux," she said.

"Anytime," he said.

And they flew off in the distance, and the Jedi Camp receded behind them.


First Sister turned on her hologram and kneeled before the image of her master, Darth Vader.

"What is the report on the mission so far," Vader said.

"Ahsoka has yet to arrive," First Sister replied, "but we have laid the trap."

"Excellent," Vader said. "However, keep in mind that Ahsoka is a formidable opponent. She has bested the likes of Dooku himself. Your new lightsaber, however, should do the trick."

The new lightsabers that her and the other Inquisitors had received was quite a unique one, sporting two blades and a feature that allowed it not only to spin around, but it also provided enough lift to carry someone off the ground, creating a sort of personal helicopter. It was the best possible tool for a Jedi-hunter, and Barriss had taken a liking to it quite quickly.

"I have a question, my lord," First Sister asked.

"You have but to ask," Vader replied.

"You are a more formidable opponent than I am," she said. "Why aren't you taking this on by yourself?"

"Because even if you fail to kill her, we will gain significant knowledge if she shows up."

"How so?"

"If she arrives with Senator Bonteri, that means that they have gotten... close. Too close. He will not be a challgenge to kill, so when he arrives, kill him. That will break Ahsoka, and make it easy for you to strike her down."

"I understand, my lord," she said, before she turned off the hologram.

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