Chapter 11: Heading Out

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Lux was waiting in what was deemed as Ahsoka's room. It wasn't all that big, and right now Ahsoka only had a hammock to sleep in, so it wasn't the best of sleeping situations. But at least it was a room she could have to herself.

Meanwhile, Lux didn't have his own sleeping situation set up. He had slept in the training rooms the night before, and it wasn't all that pleasant. It wasn't anything like the luxurious soft beds he was used to seeping in as a member of a wealthy family. It was more like the rough nights during the Onderon Rebellion, except this time there was no end in sight.

Ahsoka walked into the room.

Lux's eyes widened. She was wearing Jedi robes, and along with her tiara, it made her look absolutely gorgeous.

"You didn't say you would be in here," Ahsoka said.

"Oh my- Ahsoka, you look stunning in that outfit! I- er, uh-"

Ahsoka smirked. "Am I really all that pretty?"

Lux blushed hard.

"Oh," Ahsoka said, "Apparently Kenobi and Yoda were on that ship. I... I'm officially the GrandMaster of the Jedi Order."

"That's... that's amazing," Lux said.

"You know what else is amazing?" Ahsoka asked, slowly walking towards Lux.

"I don't even have to say it, do I?" Lux said.

Ahsoka grabbed his hand and their fingers interlaced. They pressed their lips together in a kiss as Lux put his hand on Ahsoka's back. Ahsoka pinned him up against the wall and pressed her lips harder into his, as her fingers brushed through his hair.

There was a knock on the door.

They quickly broke the kiss.

"Kriff, every time!" Ahsoka mumbled under her breath.

Ahsoka opened the door. Lyda was standing outside the door. She looked past Ahsoka and saw Lux.

"Am I interrupting something?" Lyda asked, with a smirk on her face.

"No," Ahsoka said, "Not at all."

"Hm," she said, "sure."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"Anyways," Lyda said, "we need to find somewhere to settle down. Everyone's getting antsy, and we have enough supplies on board to set up camp somewhere."

"Okay, where do you think we should set up camp?"

"Well," Lyda said, "Zatt and Mira are looking at star charts in the cockpit. Maybe you should talk with them."

"Good idea," she said, walking out of the room."

Then, Lyda looked back at Lux, and his cheeks flushed red.

"Listen," he said, "It wasn't any of your business, okay?"

Lyda smirked and walked away.


"Well," Zatt said, "I was thinking maybe an uninhabited world in Hutt Space. The Empire doesn't have the biggest presence there."

"Well," Mira argued, "That space is infested with crime lords. You have no idea how much the Empire would pay them if they gave away our location."

"So you're saying we should just camp in Empire space?"

"Well," Mira said, "I was thinking maybe we could go to the Unknown Regions."

"Uh, no," Lyda said, "You do not want to go there. That place is filled with supernovae, Hyperspace barriers, and all sorts of stellar anomalies."

"It's probably our best bet," Ahsoka said.

"I honestly have to agree with Lyda," Zatt said. "The Unknown regions are far too remote and dangerous to set up an effective base."

"Well, would you rather get caught by the Empire?" Ahsoka argued.

"She does have a point," Huyang said. "After all, it's the only place in the galaxy without any Imperial presence..."

The voices of the argument slowly blurred out as Ahsoka entered some odd state, halfway between vision and reality.

She closed her eyes and imagined the place she had seen in her visions. That serene landscape of the world cradled in a nebula that had appeared in the visions where she talked with her future self.

Ahsoka's hand stretched out and began to feel the controls at the ship's cockpit.

"remember this place, it will be important to you."

She pushed a couple buttons and pulled a lever. She opened her eyes just as the ship jumped into hyperspace.

"Ahsoka, what did you just do?"

Ahsoka emerged from the trance and saw Lyda looking at her with a concerned look on her face.

"I... I felt a calling from the force..."

"Ahsoka," Lyda continued, "We're headed right into the Unknown Regions."

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