Chapter 37: Imperial Report

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Darth Vader sat meditating in his meditation sphere, when he sensed the presence of one of his commanders come into the room.

His mask was put back onto his head, since this was one of the few times Vader could actually take off the mask (without suffering the consequences of doing so, at least).

The meditation sphere opened and Vader's chair turned around.

"What is it, commander?" Vader asked.

"First Sister has a mission report," the Commander said. "She said it didn't go as you planned."

"I gave her specific instructions," Vader continued, "did she not follow them? Or was there something that I failed to foresee?"

"She did not inform me, Lord Vader. She wished to speak with you first."

"Then put the transmission through," Vader said.

"Right this way, Lord Vader," the commander said, leading him to the holoprojector table in the other room.

He walked up to the table and patched through the hologram. First Sister immediately appeared on the hologram, however the front portion of her mask was missing. It seems that Ahsoka had managed to slice it off, though thankfully First Sister herself wasn't wounded.

First Sister immediately keeled down before Vader.

"First Sister," he said, "I hear your mission was... less than successful."

"Unfortunately, yes," First Sister said. "I did as you asked. I tried to kill Senator Bonteri, but Ahsoka stopped me. However, once she shaved of the front portion of my mask and saw who I was, she lost the will to fight me. I then managed to best her and knock her down, but before I could deal the killing blow..."

She paused right there.

"Surely," Vader said, "you did not have second thoughts about killing her?"

"No," First Sister said, "I was knocked back by Senator Bonteri, except he was a few meters away from me. Ahsoka and Saw both looked shocked. I think... I think it's safe to assume Lux Bonteri is force-sensitive."

"This... complicates things," Vader said, "and Ahsoka will likely train him in the Jedi ways. Make it known to the public that Senator Bonteri is a traitorous Jedi sympathizer, and begin to post Imperial propaganda in Onderon and the surrounding systems. We cannot allow the Gerrera's rebel friends to become a threat to us."

"They already have," First Sister said. "They disrupted a fuel convoy moving south from Iziz to a nearby base a few standard minutes ago."

Vader pondered for a moment.

"How unfortunate," he said.

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