Chapter 28: Smelly Sewers

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Ahsoka and Lux walked through the sewers of Iziz towards the direction of the Unifar Temple. Unlike back on Coruscant, Ahsoka didn't have the luxury of knowing the exact layouts of these sewers, so they just had to go on instinct. Thankfully, Ahsoka's instinct was pretty darn good.

Thankfully, there was a walkway on the side of the sewer, with occasional bridges over the ungodly rivers of muck. Trudging through those would have been a disaster.

Lux coughed behind her.

"Choking on your stupidity again, Lux?" Ahsoka remarked.

"No," he squeaked out, "It's... whatever all that stuff is..."

"Hey," she remarked, "It was your idea to come."

"I didn't know we would be doing this again! Besides, Tandin sent me the message!"

"Oh, Lux..." Ahsoka said, rolling her eyes.

"Can we just get on with this!?" Lux said. "I feel like I'm going to die if I stay in here any longer, I'm not even kidding."

"Okay, fine," Ahsoka said.

The two kept walking, until Lux started to falter behind her.


He fainted.


She picked him up.

Thankfully, he came to again quite quickly, but he was coughing.

"I kriffing told you! It's so hot and stuffy and here-" he coughed again. "Get me out, I can't take it! I thing there's something poisonous in here-"

Ahsoka nodded worryingly, and they made their way to the nearest ladder.

Ahsoka climbed up and opened the hatch. She found herself in some sort of maintenance room. She then used the force to lift up Lux through the hatch, since he probably would have fainted again had he tried to climb it.

Once he got through, Lux took a deep breath.

"Uh, finally..." he moaned, still coughing in between sentences.

Then, his eyes widened.

"Wait," he said, "This is the Temple's maintenance room!"

"How do you know?" Ahsoka asked.

"I know this place like the back of my hand," Lux said.

"Well then," Ahsoka said, "let's get going!"

"Hold on," Lux said, "I need to regain my strength."

"Note to self," Ahsoka thought out loud, "do not let Lux anywhere near sewers, he could die."

He squeezed out a laugh.

"Oh, 'Soka..." he remarked.

Ahsoka smirked back at him.

"Heh," he continued, "ever since the whole Jedi Temple thing, I haven't gotten to express my love for you all that much."

"Lux," Ahsoka said, "what are you trying to say?"

"I'll be eighteen standard years old next week," Lux said. "I think we should get married the week after."

"Oh, Lux," she said, "it seems that smelly sludge made you delusional."

"No," Lux said, "I'm serious. Besides, you'd make a great mother."

Ahsoka blushed.

"Lux," she said, "Wha- what has gotten into you to just blurt all this out!?"

"What," he said, "so you're saying something's wrong with me? I thought you wanted to marry me!"

She rolled her eyes.

"You're impossible sometimes, Lux," she said. "But... you know what, I'll do it."

"I knew you'd accept it," Lux said, and he pulled Ahsoka in for a quick kiss.

"Alright," he said, "let's get moving. I think I'm good."

"Goof," Ahsoka said, "let's get going."

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