Chapter 21: A White Light

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Ahsoka sat in the grass meditating. She had made it a rule to not disturb someone if they were meditating, so Ahsoka didn't have to worry about any Younglings trying anything silly. Then again, that brought up a sort of contradiction after Tuya and Morra's encounter. Tuya shouldn't have snuck off, and Morra shouldn't have interrupted Tuya's meditation.

The younglings were sometimes a hard lot to control. Sometimes they would be sitting in their tent crying (Ahsoka honestly couldn't blame them), while others would go out and do reckless things, like Tuya's little wander.

Ahsoka felt something on her shoulder. She opened her eyes, and saw that a Convor had perched on it.

That's funny, Ahsoka thought, there shouldn't be any Convors on a world this remote...

The Convor squaked, and flew away.

I think it wants me to follow it, Ahsoka thought.

She rushed after it as it flew into the woods. It was easy enough to follow it through the trees, since the gaps between them were more than large enough for her to fit through. Besides, the Convor was going a little slow, as if it wanted to be followed.

Eventually, she came to a clearing in the woods. The Convor perched on a stone, which had some small pieces of scrap metal on it.

What the kriff is this!?

She picked up the scrap. She recognized that some of the pieces looked like lightsaber parts.

Ahsoka then felt a sudden urge to reach into her pocket. She reached in, and somehow, her previous, charred lightsabers were in there, despite the fact she left them on the Crucible.

Ahsoka knew what she had to do. She sat cross-legged in the grass, and closed her eyes.

She began to image her lightsabers, as one would do if they were making one for the first time.

Instead of her previous sabers, she saw something... different.

She used the force to lift her old lightsabers into the air and dissasemble them. The crystals were then left floating in air, and slowly, two new lightsabers began to take shape.

She grabbed them out of the air.

She looked at them, two curved hilts with diamond designs on them, one smaller than the other.

She turned them on, and they shone a brilliant white.

Ahsoka stood up, and briefly tried out some moves. The sabers made something akin to a whistling noise as they gracefully flowed through the air.

She looked around for the Convor. It was gone.

Ahsoka returned to the Jedi Camp to find that everyone was near the center, which the tents made a circle around.

She moved up to Lyda, who was there.

"What's going on," Ahsoka asked to her.

"Ahsoka," she said, "take a look at this."

Lyda pointed at the grass in the middle of the Camp.

Around the campfire, there was a large symbol burned into the grass. It bared resemblance to a flower or something. It nearly stretched from one side of the tent circle to the other.

Ahsoka recognized this symbol. She had seen it once before on Mortis. It was the symbol of The Daughter.

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