Chapter 25: Slipping Past Security

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Ahsoka watched as the blue spirals of hyperspace receded into the starscape of the Onderon system, with the planet quickly coming into view.

Ahsoka had left her Jedi robes behind for this mission, and opted instead to wear her Onderonian combat suit. She wanted to make sure there was no evidence linking her to a possible Jedi survivor group.

She looked around and saw quite a few Venator-class Star Destroyers orbiting the planet. At first, it seemed like it was just more of the Empire's new overkill security measures, but then she remembered the planet had just been under Separatist invasion for quite some time now, so an Orbital Defense Fleet would have been stationed there anyways.

Lux and Ahsoka descended to the surface without much hassle. They would have to use the public landing pads further away from the Unifar Temple as opposed to the close private ones, since there was simply too much security.

The ship landed on the landing pad and the two disebarked, both wearing hooded cloaks, so as to not be recognized.

The new security measures became immediately apparent, however.

"Hey, you," a clone said, "what's your identification?"

If it had been some regular person, a Jedi Mind Trick could get them past, but the Clones were far from weak-minded, despite their recent betrayal.

The two kept walking past, hoping the trooper wouldn't care.

"Hey!" he continued, grabbing Ahsoka by the shoulder.

"Leave me alone!" Ahsoka yelled, followed by a bunch of slurs in her native Togrutan tounge.

"Sorry, kid," the clone said, "new protocol. Gotta have your identification to continue."

"Didn't get the memo," Lux said.

"Hey," he said, "shouldn't they have notified you of this new protocol when you left? Where did you even come from anyways?"

"Nal Hutta," Ahsoka said. It was an old trick that she knew, mentioning that world seething with swamps and crime lords. There, no protocols existed.

"Nal Hutta, eh?" he said. "Eh, can't trust that you aren't crime lords, but since that place probably hasn't implemented our protocols yet, I'll let you pass."

"If they ever implement them," Lux mumbled under his breath.

"Alright," the clone said, "get movin'. But don't think I'll let you off this easy next time."

"Thanks," Ahsoka said.

The two walked by, and slipped through the public unrecognized.

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