Chapter 13: Sith Scheming

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Darth Vader walked down the halls of the Imperial Senate, bringing an ominous presence with him. Every now and then, someone would walk out of his way with a frightened look on their face.

Whenever he bumped into someone, they were sure to not acknowlege their mistake and walk away quickly, or sometimes straight up run away.

But Lord Vader had no time to deal with these fools. He was to meet with his master, Darth Sidious, and he was running a little late.

He eventually made it to the Emperor's office in the Senate building. There were two clones guarding it who immediately stepped aside for Vader.

The door slid open for him.

The Emperor was sitting in front of him, looking at what appeared to be holographic data sheets. They quickly flickered out and his chair turned around to face Vader.

"You are late, Lord Vader," he said in his raspy voice.

Vader had no reply. The door closed behind them.

"Do you know why I have summoned you," the Emperor continued.

"No," Vader replied in his mechanical voice. "Why have you summoned me?"

The Emperor pulled out a holo-disc, which he handed to Vader.

"Here," he said, "take a look at this."

The hologram flickered to life, and the image of Ahsoka tano came on.

"This is Ahsoka Tano," the hologram said. "I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has pa-"

Vader crushed the holo-disc in his hand and the message flickered out.

"I saw her at the Temple," Vader said, "and I almost brought her to our side. She was within my grasp, but she pulled away."

"While she could be a useful asset to us," The Emperor said, "it is also apparent that she has the ability to spark hope in others. Someone like her could be a great threat to our new Empire. Therefore, we are left with two options. Bring her to our side... or kill her."

"Of course, master," Vader replied.

"I should also mentioned that we have failed to recover the old Jedi records," The Emperor continued. "They appear to have been... destroyed, during the raid on the temple, whether it was done incidentally by us or purposefully by a Jedi, we may not know."

"This is not ideal," Vader said, "without the old Jedi records, Jedi survivors could go undetected or unrecognized."

"Precisely," The Emperor said, "which is why I wish to create a group of elite Jedi hunters. Slaves to the light side once, now at our disposal. And there is one in particular who I feel will help us find and kill Ahsoka Tano."

"And who exactly is that?" Vader asked.

An evil grin creeped across The Emperor's face.

"An old friend of hers," he said, "named Barriss Offee."

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