Chapter Nine

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From what had been decided in the meeting the previous day, they only had a couple of days until the night raid. This meant Madelyn had to get better quicker, due to which she spent almost all of her time practicing.

Trumpkin tried suggesting that she stay back for this one. She knew he meant well and only wanted to keep her safe, but she refused, either way, saying that she couldn't just stand back and let everyone else do all the hard work. The teenager wanted to help and no matter how dangerous it was, she was determined to keep doing her best. Everyone was a little worried about her considering this was all very new to her, but she didn't listen to them. The one person who believed in her fully though was Edmund.

He knew that she was smart and strong. If anyone could handle it, it was her. Besides, Peter had decided to keep Madelyn stationed next to Edmund. He'd told Edmund to keep an eye on her which he planned on doing whether or not Peter told him. So even though she would be just fine, if she did have any trouble, he would be there to help her. One thing he knew for sure was, he would keep her safe no matter what.

Madelyn was determined to improve her sword-fighting skills. Edmund was fairly impressed at how quick Madelyn was learning. She'd gotten a lot better and could often beat a lot of people that she practiced with.

Madelyn and Edmund continued to work every morning and Madelyn almost always convinced him to draw their training on longer. Madelyn had also convinced Susan to teach her how to use a bow and arrow. Although she was mainly planning on using a sword- which she was quite a bit better with- Madelyn knew it wouldn't hurt to learn how to use a bow and arrow. She could never know when it'd come in handy.

At first, Madelyn had expected to be great with a bow and arrow, telling herself that it couldn't be that difficult to learn how to use a bow and arrow. She quickly realized how wrong she was. The bow and arrow were one of the most difficult things to learn for her and she just could not hit a target. Susan had to keep reminding her that it took practice and she would eventually get it.

Madelyn was currently practicing with Susan at the targets. Edmund was sitting a little further down the fields, with an apple in hand. He'd been watching her and he had to admit, it was entertaining. She couldn't hit the target to save her life. He saw how frustrated she was getting, but also noticed that she kept trying and didn't give up, which he admired about her.

For a while now, Edmund had been meaning to ask Madelyn about her family and life back in England but couldn't find the right time. He didn't want to upset her, but he knew there was something wrong with her life back in England. He had to find out what was bothering her. Normally, he could have cared less, but there was something about Madelyn that made him want to put a smile on her face.

Madelyn on the other hand, been trying for a while now, and so far Madelyn hadn't hit the target even once.

"Okay, give me a moment. I'm going to go get us some water. Stay here." Susan walked away to get water. When Susan walked away, Madelyn turned back towards the target and looked at the bow and arrow with narrowed eyes. She took a deep breath and tightened her grip around the bow. Edmund got up from his spot and sauntered over to where Madelyn was standing.

"You know, glaring at the arrow won't make it magically hit the target, Maddy." Madelyn turned her head to see Edmund standing not too far behind her.  She glanced at him with her lips pressed together in concentration.

"This is the worst. I haven't even hit anywhere close to the target yet and I've been working at this for the past few days now." She shook her head and grabbed an arrow and positioned it in the bow, to try one more time. Madelyn moved her feet, planting them firmly on the ground.

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