Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: Okay so I know I just posted the last chapter like three days ago and I probably should stay on a schedule but I couldn't help myself. I had this chapter ready and I honestly could not wait to have it out cause I was so excited about this chapter. Oh and also, this chapter isn't gonna have a preview for the next one right now because since this chapter's out early, I don't have the next one ready yet.

When everything was over, there was a sense of real peace. A peace that Madelyn had never really felt in her life before, and she wished it would never go away. It was something new to get used to, but obviously, she didn't mind it even a bit.

The time that they did have since everything ended, there had always been something going on. If she was being honest though, she did miss practicing her sword fighting with Edmund. In the past couple of days, they hadn't been able to do things like that.

It took a couple of days to settle everything down. It turned out, the common Telmarine people were very oppressed. They had been suffering under a selfish tyrant that couldn't care less about their needs.

It was an odd feeling living in the Telmarine castle, but it didn't bother Madelyn as much as she thought it would've. 

The Pevensie siblings had told her all about Cair Paravel from their last time here. It was something that she wished she could see more than anything. From how they described it, it was magnificent. Sure, the Telmarine castle was beautiful, but from what she'd heard, it was nothing compared to Cair Paravel.

The castle was, however, huge. She'd barely just left her room and she was already lost in the maze-like hallways.

"Lost?" It was like he read her thoughts.

"Is it that obvious?" Madelyn turned before coming to a stop in the middle of the secluded hall. She'd somehow made her way through the castles into a corner she'd never even seen before, which honestly wasn't that difficult. The castle was so big, she still hadn't even seen about half of it.

"Well, it was either that or you were sleepwalking. And considering that it's nine in the morning, I made an educated guess." Madelyn's eyes crinkled as a smile made its way onto her face.

"Well, what are you doing here then Eddie?" She playfully narrowed her eyes and cocked an eyebrow. In the past few days, something had changed. She always wanted to be around him, and when she was around him, there was a giddy feeling in her stomach that made her feel like she'd throw up.

"Looking for you." There was a confident smirk on his lips.

"Well, you found me. Good job." Madelyn turned back around and started walking back in the direction she was before. There was a different confidence in the way she walked. Her steps were even and her chin was high, leaving her with a good posture that she didn't have before.

Edmund jogged to catch up with her before falling in step next to her.

"So this is new." He gestured to her dress with a small glint in his eyes. What the glint was of though, she couldn't tell.

"I had no choice. Susan and Lucy insisted that since I was in a castle, I should wear a dress." Even though she had been forced to put on a dress, it was still simple compared to the dresses the two Pevensie sisters had on.

"I like it." He shot her a winning smile that made butterflies erupt in her stomach and she was sure, her cheeks had turned a light crimson. It was something that had been happening a lot lately. Whenever she was near him, she stumbled over her words and started blushing. It was starting to annoy the hell out of her.

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