Chapter Twenty-Five

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AN: Yeah, I know I just put out the last chapter yesterday, but I just had a really good day today. It's literally the last day before winter break and I just got back my SAT scores and I think I did really good. So I thought that since I was having a good day, I wanted to put out this chapter really early. Actually, now that I think about it, this might be the last chapter that's this long for the rest of this book. Okay, so it is unedited because I wrote it all today, but I really wanted to get it out. So this chapter is a little emotion heavy, but I really liked it. Anyway, here it is.

Madelyn sat in her room staring mindlessly at the ceiling. Well, actually, she couldn't see the ceiling what with it being pitch black in her room. It had been a few hours since she'd been lying there in the dark. In those hours, the castle had gone silent and she was sure that other than herself, everyone else was sleeping.

If someone walked into her room without warning, they would probably think she was crazy. She was lying on her back in the dark with her eyes wide open.

She couldn't believe that Edmund had told her he liked her. It still blew her mind that he felt that way about her. In fact, even she kept denying the fact that she liked him because the feelings scared her.

To some extent, it still scared her. It terrified her that she felt so strongly about someone she hadn't even known too long. She was so used to everyone she loved leaving that she was scared that Edmund would leave her. She'd opened up to him and let him in. She was crumbling and he was the one who was building her back up.

Madelyn trusted Edmund with her life, and she knew he would never hurt her, but there was still a small part in the back of her head that was scared. She was afraid he'd leave, she was afraid she would hurt him, and she was afraid she would fall back apart. Everything just felt too good to be true.

Even though she was scared, she was at the same time ecstatic. She'd never been happier. When she was with Edmund, nothing else mattered. He made her laugh like no one else did. He made her feel safer than she'd ever felt.

She was crazy about him. Of course, she was crazy about him. It was Edmund... Edmund. She said his name over and over in her head, still not being able to believe that she could call him hers and he could call her his.

On top of that, she had a family. Susan, Peter, and Lucy were like her own siblings. For the first time, she had a group of people that actually thought about her and put her needs above other things.

Then there was Caspian. He was her real cousin brother. They hadn't known each other long and they'd known they were family for an even shorter time. Despite that, Caspian was just like an older brother would be. He was protective over her and he cared about her more than anyone else. After all, they had a bond of blood.

With all these thoughts, she didn't even realize when she drifted off to sleep. Her eyes closed and with that, her mind went silent too.

I was cold.

The bed felt cold and hard under me.

My neck was stiff and I felt tired as if I hadn't slept in days.

When I tried opening my eyes, it was... difficult. As if there were weights on my eyelids.

When I was finally able to open them, what I saw made my heart beat faster with panic. I was in the dungeon.

I recognized the thin cracks that ran across the cold concrete floor. I recognized the small window on the side of the cell that was way too high for anyone to look out of.

"No, no, no," I said in panic under my breath. I looked down at my hands, which were shaking uncontrollably.

It was a dream. It had to be a dream. There was no way I could be back here. There had to be something I could do to wake up.

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