Chapter Twenty-One

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Both Peter and Miraz looked in too much pain for their own good. Quite honestly, Madelyn had a feeling in the pit of her stomach as if something would go wrong. As they charged at each other, it was clear that both Peter and Miraz weren't as smooth as they had been before. They were quickly getting work out. All they could hope was that Miraz would get worn out faster.

Maybe she was being biased, but Peter did look like he was faring better than Miraz. The cringe never left her face. It only got more prominent as she watched the duel.

"You know, this is a horrible way to solve problems." Madelyn glanced at Edmund. It wasn't like Madelyn had never thought about punching someone before, but this was too much. 

"I mean, I'm sure there could be better ways to do this." On one side, she didn't want to take her eyes off the duel, but it was painful to watch at the same time.

"There probably are, but Miraz threw all that away when he decided to hurt you," Edmund said, with his eyes on the duel. Madelyn sighed directing her attention back to Peter. 

"Well then maybe you should've let me duel him." Edmund raised an eyebrow at her, surprised, but also a little amused.

"Well first, you're already hurt and second, you technically can't since you're not a King or Queen." He said it with his eyes on Peter and Miraz.

"Whatever, minor issues." She rolled her eyes, before turning back to Peter.

Both Peter and Miraz were on the ground, struggling to gain any advantage over the other. As they both got back up, a wave of energy seemed to flow through Peter. He struck Miraz without giving Miraz a chance to strike back. Miraz regained momentarily, but it went away again when Peter punched Miraz in the leg where he was already wounded making him fall to his knees.

Miraz was cowering back on his knees when he yelled "Respite!", making Peter pause for a split second.

"Peter-" She was rather quiet, but loud enough for Peter to hear and glance at her.

Madelyn sighed shaking her head slightly. Peter was righteous and from what she knew about him, he would give Miraz a break. If he did that though, this duel would never end.

"Now's not the time for chivalry, Peter!" Edmund voiced her thoughts when he yelled out to Peter. Peter turned to look at Edmund, out of breath and the Narnians in the back went silent. Instead of listening to Edmund and Madelyn though, Peter turned to give Miraz the respite he wanted. As he turned to walk towards Madelyn, Caspian, and Edmund, Miraz rose. He took the sword and lunged at Peter.

Madelyn and Edmund both yelled out at him to look out. Luckily, Peter was quick and Miraz didn't succeed. Peter easily drove the sword through the man.

This made Madelyn's blood boil. This man was a coward and had absolutely no honor. Sure, she already knew that but what he just did only made it more clear.

Miraz fell with a gasp and a look of shock on his face. All that could be heard at the moment were the heavy breaths of Miraz. Just as Peter had the sword raised over Miraz, he hesitated.

"What's the matter, boy? Too cowardly to take a life?" Even on the brink of death, the man was manipulative. Peter dropped the sword.

"It's not mine to take." Peter turned and faced Caspian, offering him the sword. Caspian took a few steps forward and took the sword from Peter as Peter took Caspian's place next to Madelyn.

As Caspian slowly raised the sword, Miraz spoke again. Although he tried to hide it, it was clear the man was speaking out of fear.

"Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you do have the makings of a Telmarine King after all." Madelyn could see what the man was doing. Caspian yelled, plunging the sword down into the ground.

"Not one like you." Caspian looked at Miraz, who looked up surprised.

"Keep your life. But I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom." Caspian turned and walked back towards them with honor evident in his features. The Narnians behind them cheered once again. Edmund and Peter turned to Caspian while Madelyn continued to watch Miraz being helped up by Sosespian. Although it was over, there was a feeling Madelyn couldn't shake off.


It was as if it happened in slow motion. Miraz and Sosespian exchanged a few bitter words to one another and before she could blink, Sosespian had plunged the arrow into Miraz's back.

"No!" Madelyn yelled out as it happened. Edmund turned to face her the second he heard her scream. As he saw the scene in front of him, the smile on his face went away.

"Treachery! They shot him!" Sosespian yelled out, jabbing his pointer finger in the direction of the Narnians. 

Madelyn looked back at Edmund with worry on her face. After that, it was chaos. Glozelle rallied the Telmarine soldiers telling them that the Narnians had shot their king.

"No, but," Madelyn was at a loss for words. Edmund shook his head at her.

Peter turned to the Narnians. "Be ready!" he announced. Caspian pointed back and warned them that a Telmarine was charging at them. The two kings and Madelyn turned and Peter easily took down the soldier.

"Shit," Madelyn muttered. Edmund turned to her.

The battle had begun.


So, the last chapter was really late and I had this chapter ready anyway cause it's a little short, so I'm just gonna post early.  :)

<Twenty-Two: Preview>

It turned out the cut on her arm was deep enough to need stitches. When she was told that, Edmund and she were still holding hands. The second she heard it though, the color left her face and she let go of his hand and quickly turned to walk away.

Before she got far though, an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back. Edmund rolled his eyes at her, holding her in place.

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