Chapter 40

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Yoongi went into the dressing room at their concert venue in Taoyuan, Taiwan for preparation. They already did their rehearsal the day before and now they were getting ready for the D-1. He was sitting comfortably on his chair as the make-up artist went on working.

He was planning to get a shut eye as the stylist went to work until he heard someone humming a tune. It wasn't just someone. It was Taehyung, Jin and Jungkook at the same time, playing a game on their mobile phone and humming the same song at their own pace.

"My god, please stop it," plead J-Hope from his seat, covering his ears. "They found a new game. Started to play it yesterday and now they can't stop singing to that game song."

"What game is it?" asked Namjoon.

"I don't know," replied J-Hope.

"It's Stomp Fest. They just made this new game, old style. They're using 8 bit video game design and this is just brilliant!" said Jin, not breaking his concentration from the screen. "Ya!!! Give me a break!" Jin broke out.

"It's fun, you should give it a try," said Taehyung. He kept on singing along to the game. The tune was choppy but infectious and it fit into the whole retro game tune.

"Nah, you kids just play along. I'm not interested," replied Yoongi.

"Yes!! I win!" Jungkook shouted triumphantly.

"Heh, you never not win, Jungkook," commented Jimin.

Then his interest was perked when he heard the song clearly from Taehyung. "That tune is really familiar," said Yoongi, closing his eyes. "I think I've heard that," he added.

"Where? I've never heard it anywhere before," replied Taehyung.

Then Yoongi's eyes opened. He realized, the first time he heard it was when he was on the free-styling challenge with Jae at her house. The song must be hers. He can't possibly whip out his phone and send a message to Jae then. The hairstylist and make-up artist might see what he was typing. He couldn't even look for the information on the internet yet as the song was still new. Unless the game was from a major game developer, most of the information on new games won't be shared that quickly. Especially if the developer is a small time game maker. He could feel it in his guts that the game was going to be successful and someone is going to get the gag award for ear-worm of the year again.

"Aww guys, please stop," plead Namjoon.

Jimin jumped in and started humming.

"Jimin, not you too," complained J-Hope. "Noona, no! Stop. Zip it," said J-Hope as his hairstylist were caught humming too.

Yoongi smiled, trying to hide his grin very ineffectively. He then laughed.

Jungkook looked at him suspiciously from his game, "What's so funny, hyung?"

"Remember Monster Tree?" replied Yoongi shortly.

"Monster Tree?" asked Namjoon.

"It's the same person," answered Yoongi short.

"Oh," Namjoon said as realization dawned to him and everyone caught the drift.

"Man, we can't sue that songwriter," sulked J-Hope.

Yoongi was laughing at him then, but he was not laughing on the way to the hotel when he had to share the ride with Jin. The song was really driving him crazy and those 3 guys were humming non-stop. The next morning, he dreaded to go out and see the trio but he couldn't avoid them that long. He video called Jae the moment he came back from a short meeting.

"Jae, I love you, but your song is driving me crazy," he complained.

Jae just cackled gleefully along as she drank her tea at home. She propped the phone on the coffee table as she sat comfortably. "Ah, I bet the game would eventually made its way to the other guys. I didn't expect it to be that fast."

"Surprisingly we have a lot of time during tour. So yes, those kids would get bored and find something to fill in their time."


"Those gamer trio – Jin, Taehyung and Jungkook."

Jae laughed, "Jin-ssi is older than you for you to call him a kid."

Yoongi scoffed. "So, that song in Stomp Fest was yours?" asked Yoongi.

"Of course. I gave you a preview when we were free-styling that day," she grinned. "What do you think? I'm asking for a songwriter's opinion, not boyfriend's opinion."

"It's great. The instruments your team used really fit in into that old 80s vibe. Choppy yet clean at the same time. Great song by the way," commented Yoongi.

"Why, thank you. 70 percent of the tune was mine," said Jae proudly.

"But," he interrupted.

"I just know there's a 'but' coming up," Jae started to pout. "Come on, just hit me with it. Be honest, I can take it," Jae was bracing herself for what was to come.

"Can you make it less catchy? The guys are driving me nuts."

Jae burst out laughing, unsympathetic, "Aww poor you. That bad?" She heard that before from Ki Tae when her song on Monster Tree came out. He succumbed to the tune in the end when he was caught humming to it and she was laughing all the way.

"24/7," complained Yoongi. "I nearly missed a line when I performed with Taehyung's voice in my head humming your song."

"I promise, next song won't be as catchy as that," said Jae solemnly. "Not!" and she stuck her tongue out, laughing again.

Yoongi smiled. He was joking when he asked her to stop making catchy songs. Making an earworm tune took a lot of luck and hard work. Making earworm song again and again is pure talent. He wouldn't want her to change and she knew it. "I miss you so much," he said. "I wish I could go next to you right now and kiss you senseless."

"I miss you too. You'll be back this Saturday as planned, right?" asked Jae as she looked at the calendar on the coffee table.

"Yes. I'll get to you as soon as I can."

"Can I wait for you at the airport with the masses?"

"Definitely, no. You would be stuck there forever and it would take a really long time for me to get to you then. If only I could get through this screen right now..." Yoongi left his sentence hang and gave her a knowing look.

"Hold your horses, oppa. You get your work done, return here first and I'll make up for every single moment Taehyung-ssi, Jungkook-ssi and Jin-ssi belted out for your ear torture session," Jae's voice went low and she winked at Yoongi suggestively.

"My, my, someone is learning something new today, huh?" Yoongi's eyebrow went up.

"Something I picked online," Jae grinned widely. "Did it work?"

Yoongi was fanning himself "It gets too hot in here," he said, taking his shirt off. Two could play at that game.

Jae blinked, "What are you doing?"

"It's hot and I need to take the shirt off," he replied innocently.

"Can't you just put it back on?" asked Jae.

"Why?" asked Yoongi. He could see she was turning red. "It's nothing you haven't seen before."

"You tease," mumbled Jae.

"Sorry? I can't hear you," said Yoongi. He could hear her loud and clear and he was thoroughly enjoying her discomfort.

"Just wait 'til you get back here," replied Jae through her teeth.

Yoongi winked playfully, "Oh, I can't wait. Man, my belt is digging in. I need to remove it too. Guess what comes next?"

"Stop!!!" Jae planted her face on the coffee table.

Just then Yoongi's doorbell rang. "Damn, who's that at the door. Hold on, I'm going to chase whoever is there away," Yoongi went away to check who was at the door. He returned not long after. "That was Hope. I have to go. There's another meeting," he put on his shirt in haste.

"Take care and be careful, oppa," wished Jae.

"You too. I'll call you later, Jae. I love you."

"I love you too."

Jae turned on her air conditioner full blast after that call. She needed some time cooling off. Yoongi the Tease was definitely not good for her health.

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