Blood moon | Cross x Ink

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I mean... I had to update this book at some point. And of course this popped up, so I thought you know...

This is also a timeline I made, and this is a timeline where there are two clans. The Blood moon, and The Lunar moon. Both clans are complete opposites, and are both sworn enemies.

But maybe, those can change for two.

RQ By Ilikecrink

Sorry for the wait by the way, this book itself barely is touched xDDD

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''N-No wait!''


A red, detailed mask fell to the side and shatters.

''Ah. Thought you'd put up more of a fight there.'' Ink moves his own rainbow themed mask aside, and his brush had the color red on the tip of it. Ink rolled his eyes seeing the mess ''This could have been more faster but you still decided to resist.'' He crouched down a bit, his shit eating grin was shown.

Killer laid on the floor panting, his magic was low. And he was extremely wounded. Ink, had chased him all over the region of land they were in, and he didn't think that he'd be chased by the Ink-mage of the Lunar clan.

Out of everyone... It had to be him.

Ink giggled ''So, Killer. How is life over there? Any demonic summons that you guys have completed so far?'' He asks him with a smile that the other knew it was fake.

Killer tried backing off while he was still on the floor ''Fuck you'd care about it!?'' He yelled before being jabbed in the chest with the handle of Ink's paintbrush ''Ah, well... It's like this. The more bullshit you guys do, the more shit we have to finish. I'm speaking in your language now, do I make myself clear?'' He sneered.

Coughing, Killer felt the brush move away from his chest. He could already feel the crack on his ribcage. He looks at Ink with an annoyed expression ''You... You're bullshit yourself, Ink.'' He retorts, earning a laugh from the other.

''Killer, this is the third time you had me chase you. Now, since I actually have you now... You, are coming with me. I need to learn more about your cult. Especially about Error and Nightmare.'' Ink held his brush, spinning the middle of his to hear a click, the color of the paint being used changed.

Killer tensed, backing off once more ''Don't you fucking dare...'' He murmurs before Ink covered him in glue-like paint, Killer couldn't budge one bit.

Suddenly, the sound of a loud splash was heard behind Ink. He turned around quickly and jumped, seeing another skeleton that stood on top of Ink's trap that he left while he was talking to Killer.

The trap holds the victim's leg and holds them on the spot. Making them clear targets for Ink.

He swiped his brush left and a color white paint went forward towards the skeleton. He was caught, and fell to the floor quickly.

Ink landed infront of the caught target and places a hand on his hip ''And who are you to be exact?'' He asked.

''Kh... So you're Ink.'' He mumbled, staying completely still. Ink raises an eyebrow ''And again, who are you?'' He responds. Seeing his red mask.

''Ah. So you're also from the Blood moon. I assume you're here for Killer?'' Ink crouched down, placing a hand on the other's mask ''I am. I wonder, if you've seen my acquaintance somewhere?'' The other chuckled.

Ink pulls the mask right off and throws it to the side, expecting that it was Dust or Horror, maybe even Error. But instead, he see's the face of the skeleton that had a deep red lightning mark on his cheek. His left red, glowing eyes were seen.

''It's... You. I've heard about you. But I've never actually seen you before.'' Ink snickered, a hand on his mouth whilst staring at him ''You're name is Cross Penalosa. Or more referred as X. You're handy work with ritual circles around the corners of the region are always in the shape of an X. And they did say that the one who made it had a lightning mark on his cheek...''

Cross scoffed ''Seems like I have myself a stalker.'' He stared at Ink with a displeased look.

Ink pouted ''Awe, don't get so angry with me Cross. I don't like it when friends do it to me.'' He had his two hands under his chin, smiling. Cross rolled his eyes ''And then suddenly, the two of us are friends? If that's the case, why not let me go?'' He said.

''Hm... I really can't carry two individuals back to base... Oh well, one of you are staying behind. You specifically Killer.'' Ink stood up and stretched keeping his eyes on Cross, Killer hissed ''Fuck you...! Cross, do something!'' He tried to shout, and Cross narrowed his eyes.

''You say this like Killer was your original target. What made you have second thoughts?'' Cross asked, and Ink huffed ''You have more knowledge, from what I hear. And you can listen to the whispers of a demon yourself.'' He pauses for a moment, spinning his brush once more.

''Besides... You look like a player. Are you though?'' Ink smirked, poking his tongue out.

But he heard a loud thud, and turns around to Killer. A dark wall was infront of Ink and he sighed ''Really Killer? You know sneak attacks don't work on me.'' He tells him, seeing the barrier melt and disappear. A red edged bone attack fell to the floor right after.

''I wasn't trying to attack you.'' Killer grinned.

Ink raises an eyebrow and hears a click behind him, he flipped jumping sidewards. Avoiding the knife that went flying. Ink stood ontop of a tall tree, and saw that Cross was cutting Killer free ''Shit... Thought he had me. Thanks man.''

Ink pouted again ''Awe. Really Cross? I thought we were friends...'' He frowned, and Cross took his mask from the floor and places it to the side of his skull ''With a Lunar? No.'' He tells him.

''Hehe... That's what they always say. I'm not in the mood to go against two Blood's, so I'm gonna go now.'' Ink turns to Cross ''And you, Cross. Expect that we meet again~ But hopefully, in good terms.'' He blushes a rainbow color.

Cross raises an eyebrow and smirked ''Lies and lies you and your clan spits out, Lunar Artist.'' His two knives he held turned into fizz, and Killer eyed his hands confused.

''And the things you and your demons tell you, Blood Demon.'' Ink places his mask in front of his face, swiping his brush once more before disappearing into the night.

Cross felt something hit his mask, and takes it off him for a moment to find a splatter of ink on the cheek of it. He chuckled ''I wonder if we really are going to meet in good terms. Hey, Killer. Are you okay?'' He turns to him as he wore his mask once more.

Killer shook his head and looks at the shattered quartz material on the floor ''I'm in a bad shape, obviously. He destroyed my damn mask. I'm going to get in trouble with Nightmare... Fuck. Anyways... What the hell was that? You didn't even try to attack that damned artist.''

Cross rolled his eyes ''Doesn't matter. Let's just go.'' He motioned him to follow, and Killer did as told.

Taking his mask of for a moment, Cross stared at the ink splatter again.

He laughed, wearing his mask once more as he blushes a color purple behind it.

''Hope we do meet in good terms, Ink.''

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