Taste | Horror x Dust

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RQ By HorrorSansFangirlO_O

If this is a bit shorter than my usuals, then my bad.

Buuut, this is just gonna be out here for the sake of mentality.

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Horror laughed at Killer's dark joke, not many would laugh but these individuals would.

"So he asks me 'Sir, your face is a bit dirty.' Like it was an insult. An of course I had to gut him and show how dirty blood was when dried up. Pretty sure he didn't get to see it though." 

"Awww, why didn't you bring him back here? I always love a meal..." Horror had a fake pout, Killer already knew it was fake and pokes his tongue out "Anything that has blood or meat in it you'll eat, why not try something else?"

Horror hummed looking up trying to think of something else to eat.

Poof, nothing came up. Horror sat on his bed while doing it, getting a bit hungry.

"Uhh. Air? I don't know what else to eat!" Horror smiled, and Killer raises an eyebrow "Eh, I know you've told me you've barely ate anything else but still. Normal food is good. Or you could have me instead. Joking!"

Seeing Dust walk up to the two, Horror smiled even more as Killer looks at him nervously. Dust had a cold, murderous look.

"Ah, hey there Dust." Killer greeted him. Dust stared at him for a minute and nodded "Killer. What have you been talking about with him?" He asked. Killer snickered "It was just a dark joke. Also me suggesting that he should switch out his horrifying sense of taste." He tells him. Horror hissed.

"Nothing he does is horrifying." Dust said right after he finishes that sentence. Killer raises an eyebrow "Huh? It was just a joke too, it's not up to me to tell him what to do. Uh... Yeah I'm gonna go." Killer snaps his fingers and pats Horror's shoulder "He's obviously into you." He whispered.

Horror had a confused, poker face due to not him hearing that as Killer left his room. But he shook it off and looks up at Dust with his smile once more "Dust! Is there something wrong? Ooh, did you get me something?" He yelled a bit asking as he stood up from his bed.

Dust stared at him "What have you been talking to him about?" His direct question was presented, Horror blinked "Wh... What have we been talking about? It was about jokes..." He mumbled.

A knife was hovered infront of his face slowly, Horror tensed a bit backing off "Hey! That's close to my face! Didn't we all agree not to aim our weapons at each other?" He told him, using his hand to lower the other's down.

"Does it look like I care about what Nightmare declares most of the time. In honesty, I don't care." Dust's voice became slightly deeper which made Horror tense again "What's up with you? You're not acting like yourself."

Dust glances at the doorway, the one Killer used to leave the room "I heard the last part of your 'Jokes' and..." He pauses as he grinned looking at Horror intently "Were you actually flirting with him?" He asked.

"What..." Horror was about to answer something unrelated, until a knife was placed under his neck "No, I don't care about anything else until you answer what I just asked." Dust held the sharp weapon under his skull.

"D-Dust... Calm down..." Horror tried backing off, but forgot his bed was behind him. He fell back onto it, Dust sighed "Why are you backing off huh? Does this mean you were?" He moves and stays ontop of him, his face comer closer to his face, until Horror could feel his breathe on his neck as he turned away expecting something unpleasant.

Biting the right side of his neck Horror jumped a bit feeling the sharp pain, and felt the blade of his knife on the left side of his neck.


Blood was now dripping, as Dust pulled the knife away. Staring at the blade the now had a deep red hue on the tip. He moves his face away from his neck, licking his lips that still had residue of blood.

"Pfft. I'm just kidding. I'll go get something for you in the meantime. You like arms right~?" Dust backed off spinning his knife before licking the tip with his ecto tongue "You taste good too. Guess your sense of taste is good after all." He remarked once more with a smirk, leaving the room.

Horror, being himself he felt a bit violated.

Yet again, he actually liked the feeling of being in that state. Being under Dust.

Being under him...

He shivered blushing, hugging himself.

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