From one another | Nightmare x Shattered

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So... I remember doing half of this and suddenly forgot about it. But since it already had progress I figured writing more of it.

This is gonna be random, but hey. I like the idea. Even if they are... Brothers xD

Honestly this is just some Shattered entering Nightmare's life.


''So Nightmare, nice to see you again. Don't mind me coming in.''

Dream sat there with a grin. 

Nightmare, who was sitting next to him stayed there quiet. He had no idea what  to say to him.

Dream... wasn't exactly him. He turned into Shattered. A corrupt version of him and entirely different person. Nightmare didn't know what happened, he only came to his door a hour ago.

Shattered crosses his arms and legs, looking around ''Well it appears someone forgot to clean the place. Look at this...'' His tentacle slithered and pressed onto a nearby drawer.

He retracts it, hovering it infront of his face. He rolled his eyes before lowering it ''Nightmare, do I really need to remind you that this place needs weekly or more so, daily cleaning?''

Nightmare kept his gaze down at the floor infront of him. Almost as if he was in a trance.

Shattered raises his tentacle and pokes the back of his 'brother's skull ''Oi. I'm talking to you. Been what, two hundred years since you've seen me and this is what I get?'' He says. Nightmare perked up, turning a bit towards the other ''W-What do you want from me?!''

Hearing his picked up tone Shattered raised an eyebrow "Hm... I just want to be with my brother. Since you know... You don't like Dream."

Nightmare grimaced "What are you saying?"

Shattered grinned "Dream, is no longer with us. Or at least, for the time being he isnt." A tentacle made its way to Nightmare's neck.

"Shattered has now taken over~" He smiled.


''Woah... Who's this?" Dust pointed at Shattered who was picking stuff up and was arranging them.

Horror shook his head "I...  Don't exactly know who. He has Nightmare's appearance..." He said.

"Hm... Maybe he's new to the gang?" Cross shrugged "And maybe he'll be like Nightmare. " He added laughing a bit

Killer shivered "Having one of them was enough..." He muttered, the others nodded.

But suddenly all of them froze seeing Nightmare come in the room with a small box. Shattered turned to him and smiled "Thank you Nightmare. Glad you're helping me out." He takes the box using a tentacle, carrying it.

"So... The living room was sweeped but not thoroughly. Who cleaned up? Horror, Killer, Cross, or Dust yes I'm talking to you four." His golden eye was seen as he turns to them.

The four was taken a back, as if they were shot by his stare alone.

They were all hiding behind a wall too. They thought that he didn't even notice them.

Cross coughed raising his hand "It's... Me." He answered. The three stayed quiet.

Shattered looks at him and smiled widely "Well at least I know one is doing their work! Now... You three."

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