Chapter Twenty

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Steve's POV

The room they placed me in was far worse than the one they had me in before, the walls were stained in blood, the bed was falling apart, the table could barely hold a glass of water. I noticed a hatch on the floor but I didn't bother to even try to open it, if I was found I would be killed and I can't afford that. My hands were shaking, my mind was racing trying to take in what I just did and my eyes were darting all around the room trying to focus on one little thing. All I did was run back to another room, trying my best to find another way out of this awful place. I scratched at my wrist, my neck and my shoulders, until they bled.

I sat on the bed for an hour before I heard footsteps nearing the door, I stood up just in case it was Mr. Bennet coming to take me away. The door opened up to reveal four guards and Mr. Bennet standing outside, "It is good to see you are following orders. Now, follow me. We have some work to do." I did as I was told and followed him towards the main room. Two guards were between me and Mr. Bennet while the other two were behind me, making sure I didn't hurt him or tried to pull another stunt again. The double doors opened to the main room, I looked around to see ten guards around, all armed for their safety I am guessing.

Two guards grabbed my arms and forcefully walked me over to the chair. They forced me down, they forced my wrist into the laches, pushing my head back so the device can be placed on it. My vision in my left eye darkened as the device latched on. I wanted to scream for help but I knew there was no point, no one would hear me, no one was here to save me. One of the other men took a hold of the lever to turn the chair on, Mr. Bennet nodded his head and he slammed the lever down. Suddenly electricity shot through my head, I screamed out in agony, wanting the pain to go away but it just kept happening. The longer it went on the more it hurt, the more I screamed. It felt like swords going through my head, bullets being fired off and shot through my ears. The pain went on for a few minutes before it stopped, I was twitching and shaking, mumbling words under my breath, gibberish was all that fell from my mouth.

Mr. Bennet picked up a book and started reading words from it. Though I didn't hear them I knew it was doing something to my mind, I felt myself slip away, I felt my mind being pulled back and something else running towards the front to take control. I was helpless, shoved to the back of my own mind, forced to watch as someone else used my body to kill, to hurt and to lie to everyone. When Mr. Bennet was finished, I was gone, shoved into the farthest reach of my mind, never to be seen again. I said goodbye to my friends in my head before fully giving up my body...

Captain Hydra's POV

I laughed a bit before standing up. Finally, I am back, I am free from that stupid boy. Mr. Bennet smiled at me, "How do you feel, Captain?" I looked down at my hands and my wrist, there was dry blood staining them but it didn't hurt, "I am fine. I am back, thank you." I bowed just a tad as The guards looked at one another and slightly cheered. Mr. Turner walked into the doors with guards behind him, "Mr. Bennet, Captain, I found a trespasser, he was hiding in the storage room hoping no one would find him. He tried to kill one of the guards but he was overtaken." I walked closer to him, "Who is this trespasser?" Mr. Turner moved to the side revealing the Winter Soldier, hands bound in the front. I motioned for the guards to move away from him.

I walked over to my old friend, my old partner in crime. "James Buchanan Barnes, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you to your old home?" He took one step closer to me, "I came to bring you home Rogers." I smiled, he really thought this would work. I walked over to him and cupped his face, "You really think you can come here and bring me home? I. AM. HOME." He tried his best to take my hands off his face but I had a stronger grip, "There is NOTHING you can do to bring me home. There is NOTHING you can do to make me leave." I let him go. He spat on the floor near my boots, "Tony was right, you are a monster." I whipped around and grabbed his throat. Hi face turning red, his mouth opened trying to get air in, "Don't EVER mention his name again. He is nothing to me and he will be the first to go."

Mr. Bennet ripped my hand away from James' throat, "That is enough!" His eyes were filled with anger, "If he is here there are most likely more people here." I pulled away from him. I growled, "Search the entire building! Leave no room unchecked. Look in every cell, every room, everywhere! If there are more bring them here. I'll deal with them." The guards went scrambling out the room through all the doors heading in different directions. Mr. Bennet had an angry look on his face when he faced me, "You do not give orders around here, you are my soldier. You listen to me!" Mr. Turner backed away from the both of us out of fear.

I walked over to James once again and forced him to look at me, "Oh, Mr. Bennet. I am no soldier," I took a hold of the knife in James' sheath and slowly pulled it out so Mr. Bennet didn't notice, "And I only listen to myself." I heard him walk closer to me so I spun around and dug the knife right into his heart. He stumbled backwards, he took the knife out of his chest and fell to his knees, "You are a monster..." He said in his last breath. His eyes rolled back into his head and he fell flat on his cold, pale face. I dropped the knife, it hit the ground with a few clatters before settling, laying flat on the ground in the pool of blood.

I glazed over to Joshua Turner, "Are you going to try and kill me or are you going to listen?" He fearfully bowed his head, "I will listen to you. Just please, spare me." I fully turned and smiled at him, "Don't disobey me and you will live. Now take James here to a cell. A strong one, have guards placed outside his door at all times. If he leaves or tries to escape, your head will be on a spike. AM I CLEAR?" He fell a bit forward and straightened his back, "I understand, sir." He took the slack of the chains and dragged James to a cell.

My shield was sitting on a table near the chair, the black and red perfectly matching my suit, I walked over and picked it up, my reflection was off. My eyes were dark, my skin was pale, my lips were a dark red and my hair was turning a light yellow, almost white. I sighed and put the shield on my back. I made my way towards the door to the closest corridor to the cell blocks. While I was walking I heard a sound coming from behind me. I slowed my walk to hear if there was another, there was a slight humm nearing me. Trying my best to ignore it I continued my walk towards the cell block.

There were two guards outside cell block A, "If you are looking for the soldier, Captain. He is here, we can take you to him if you like." The other one opened the door for me, "I'll be fine. Just make sure no one comes in or out." I quickened my pace towards the cell where James was being held. Water dripped from the ceiling, rats squicked and skidded across the floor, the very little people who were here were silent except for a few chains rattling and scraping on the ground. I got closer to the end of the corridor, I saw two guards standing outside one cell. "Captain, are you here to see the trespasser?" I nodded, one of them opened the door while the other moved out of my way.

James was sitting on the floor in the corner, he was just sitting there, staring at the floor. "I see you haven't tried to break something." He glared at me and laughed, "Because I don't need to. There is no reason for me to even leave. People will get me out, I trust them." He stood up and took one step closer, "You think there is no one else here but have you noticed all of the soldiers and guards have disappeared except for the four escorting me to the cell. You are the only one alive in this building, Steve. Don't you see it?" Before I could respond I heard two thumps behind me, James smiled as he looked behind me. The sound of a bow being drawn came from behind me, "Try to fight and I will let this arrow fly." The voice sounded familiar. I slowly raised my hands and turned around. "Clint Barton, Tony Stark and Sam Wilson, how nice to see his old friends again."

James pulled the shield off of my back while Clint pointed the arrow at my head. There were more footsteps coming towards the room, Natasha, T'Challa, Shuri, and Rhodey all surrounded the door, "I see you have found him. Good. We need to get going, this time we might be able to reverse this process they did to him." T'Challa had his king's voice activated, loud, firm and commanding. Tony's armor came apart at the elbows, revealing his bare arms. He placed his hands on mine, the armor slowly moved its way onto my own arms creating a restraint, I tried to pull my hands away but he pushed them together, locking them in place in front of my body. "Let's get going then. Don't want to stay here any longer than we should." Tony forced Clint to lower his bow before walking out. James pushed me forward, "Come on. Let's go home."

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