10:Second voice

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Art is not mine all credit goes to the artist. Their will be a song in this chapter so play the song when the song is up.

Nightmares pov
I was too shocked to move the whole time. For I think the past 3 hours Ink was being tortured. It was so painful to just watch.

I could feel all the negativity from my group as we just watched. Ugh I'm so useless I'm a fucking god of negativity and I did nothing. I could have done something anything but I just watched like an idiot.

I felt something was clinging to my arm crying. It was killer. I noticed I also had a few tears falling from my face. I wipe them away quickly not wanting to show weakness.

Something was squirming around my tenticles. It was dream and blue. I forgot that they where being held in my tenticles. I put both of them down on the ground. I see the both of them running over towards ink which error got their before them.

I made sure that it was over as I didn't want someone in my group to get hurt. We all walked over to ink who was still on his knees as my brother and blue cling to him. Killer still was cling to my arm sobbing I didn't know what to do. I noticed error was staring at ink worridly. Ink just smiled at him trying to reassure that he was fine. I couldn't tell if it was real or fake since I couldn't sense his aura. I don't think I was ever able to and that always put me off.

I guess before dream and blue came they had a small chat. My thoughts got interrupted by blue and dreams silent tears turn on to full on sobbing. They hugged him even tighter as each of them buried their heads into inks shoulder.

Ink responded by rubbing their back in a soothing way. He tried to calm them down by reassuring them. He said," It's okay. Everything's fine now. It's over. Its all over. I'm fine. I'm okay. No need to worry." Although it he also tried to convince himself that it was over. He kinda reminded me of a mother who was trying to calm down her kids.

He said,"I know what would make you feel better. How about I sing a song." But before either of them could answer ink started to sing. (Play the song)

There will come a soldier who carries a mighty sword. He will tear your city down o lei o lai o Lord. O lei o lai o lei o Lord. He will tear your city down o lei o lai o Lord.

There will come a poet who's weapon is his words.he will slay you with his tounge o lei o lai o Lord. O lei o lai o lei o Lord. He will slay you with his tounge o lei o lai o Lord.

There will come a ruler whose brow is laid in thorn smeared with oil like Davis bay o lei o lai o Lord. O lei o lai o lei o Lord. Smeared with oil like Davis bay

o lei o lai o Lord. O lei o lai o lei o Lord. He will tear your city down o lei o lai o lord.

As ink finished the song he had a smile on his face. Both blue and dream calm down after the song they seemed to have fallen asleep. I have to say the song was nice and calming compared to the situation that just happened.

I looked down at killer who seemed to calm down as well after that song. He was no longer crying that's good. I looked around to see the others non of them were crying and they seemed to be more calmer after the song. It was now a awkward silence no one said anything not even me we just stared at the small skeleton.

Killer started to lean on me now. I looked at him to see he looked exhausted. I pet his skull. He leaned his head closer to my hand. He looked at me and gave me a small smile. I turned my head that had a light blush on it now. He was so cute.

I continued to pet killer as I waited for anyone to do something or at least take charge of the situation. I would but right now I'm at a lost on what should even happen next. That's when ink started to speak. Everyone's attention including me went straight to ink as we wanted to know what exactly happened.

"Swap paps." Ink said in a week voice. I looked over to where ink was talking to. Since when did he get here.

"What is it rainbow freak." Swap said. I was shocked I could sense so much hate coming from him. Error growled at swap for what he said while ink looked unfazed.

"I know that the human rest the timeline. So I thought that blue could stay with me since I don't think he would like to leave at the moment but I can ensure you that I will keep him safe." Ink said in a soft tone.

Swap scoffed at ink and said,"Yah no where not doing that. Blue is my brother and I'm not letting someone as useless as you to take him. I mean you deserve what just happened to you." Ink looked hurt by those words but put on a smile. He was about to say something until blue cut in.

"You know what brother. Just shut the fuck up. How dare you talk to my friend like that. After how much he has helped me. Everything he's done for the both of us and you say shit like that. I'm sorry but I'm staying with ink until I know he's okay. So just go home and cover for me when the human comes." Blue shouted at swap paps.

"Fine I'll just go then." Paps left without saying anything else. I stood their stuned. I can't believe what just happened and blue actually cursed. I watch as blue walks back towards ink falling on him as he goes limp. I guess this time blue and dream are both sleeping for sure.

Their was a silence again as I saw error who looked as if he was going to kill someone. Probably swap papyrus.

" Ok then." Ink said breaking the silence. "Dust can you carry blue and cross can you carry dream. I would do it myself but I'm a little worn out." Both dust and cross blushed as they went over and picked up who they where told to pick up. They held them bridal style. Ink let out a small giggle I guess he knew about the way they felt already. How much does he know.

He would obviously know already about the balance and he also knows about when reset happens when he isn't a part of the Au. But what more did he knew that he wasn't telling us. Their was some information that was given when that voice talked but it wasn't enough to explain everything.

I started to get frustrated from the lack of knowledge that I had about the situation. Before I can get even more frustrated I heard ink call out my name. I looked over to him now my full attention on him.

"Nightmare can me, blue, and dream stay over at your castle. I would take us back to our house in my hidden Au but I don't have much energy to open a portal or take the others. Sorry." Ink said as his voice shakes a little.

"Sure." I said after thinking what's the worst that can happen. Pluse he is still awake after what happened to him but he looks weak right now. I open a portal to the castle.

"I-ink are you okay. C-can you get up." Killer asked with worried in his voice.

"Haha. Yah I'm fine and I can get up on my own no worries." Ink said as he slowly got off the floor. Error watched ink with a worried expression. As ink stood up and took a few steps toward to the portal he stopped. He began to shake slowly falling forward.

"Ink!!" Cross shouted worry and fear writen all over his face while holding dream. Next thing you know error teleported in front of ink as ink landed softly on errors chest. A sigh of relief came from everyone worried he might get hurt again.

"Haha. Thanks error. I guess I was still a little dizzy. I'll move right away. I know how you don't like being touched by others." Ink said tiredly as he tried to push off of error gently using him as support. I felt bad for error. It must have been hard to watch what happen to ink for him. I already knew he liked ink like I like killer so I can't imagine if that where to happen to killer and I couldn't do anything. And you could only help after they got hurt and they insist that their fine. So it was no surprise what error did next to ink. I would have done the same to killer.

Authors note
So I wrote the chapter I promised I would write today. I hope you enjoyed it. It took me a long rime to type it all out but I can't wait to write the next chapter. And I would like to also thank the people who vote and read my stories. I also really appreciate to the people who commit on the chapter. Thanks for being supportive and kind in the commits. Anyways that's all I have to say. Bye bye UwU.

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