Diy Christmas

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Okay so I'm sorry but this isn't a chapter. I just wanted to show off what I have made. I spent a whole week making it especially for my little sister. I hope she'll like it. My hands hurt and my sleep schedual is even more ruined then before because of this.

Anyways behold my beautiful master pice that I have made. >///<


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Can you guys see it or not. I hope you can and sorry if you can't. When I publish this I'm not sure if you'll be able to see it or not.

So basicly I made every thing by hand and it's all basicly paper or cardboard. The only thing I didn't make was the lights and the little statues. My hands hurt so much and I'm so tired from making this. ;^; The only reason I bothered making it was for my sister. Since we can't have a tree like normal I made a mini one for her to play with her stuff animals. I hope she'll like it.

Since my mom isn't in her or my life a lot I took the mother figure in her life. So I feel old when she says I'm like her mom. T^T which I am not old I just started high school. I'm ranting aren't I. Sorry about that. I'm sure you don't want to hear me rant about my sister making me feel old.

Coming back to my actual story that I have written. So for the story so far I have drafted a few chapters and I'll continue on that so they'll be ready and polished by the time I start to publish again UwU.

Also some info on the next few chapters I will not be focusing on error and ink. Even though this is an errorxink fanfic and I mainly focused on them I don't want to forget the other and newer characters introduced.

I want you guys as well as the other characters to get to know each other and to form bonds. So I hope you won't mind the next few chapters won't include error and ink. Sorry about that.

I don't know about you guys but I can't wait to write some brother moments of ink, reaper, and cross. I'll have a lot of fun with that.

Finally I was wondering if you guys would like a special chapter. The special chapter will be about Des or destruction. It would be mainly about there day to day life. What they do and where they go off to when they dissapper. I think it'll be a fun chapter to write and publish whenever and I wonder if you guys like the idea. Since a lot of people seem to love des as a character overall. I love them too and enjoy writing them.

Well I hate to say this but that's all for today. I love all your comments and I'm so happy you love my story. I read everyones comments and try my best to at least reply to one of everyones comments. Have a happy holidays to everyone. I'll be back next month. I can't wait.  Anyways bye bye UwU.

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