28:Waking up

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Art does not belong to me and all credit goes to the original artists.

Errors pov~
Ugh. Can't these shit heads just shut up for once. I swear if they get louder or wake up ink I will personally destroy them and their Aus for good.

All they have been doing is shouting at each other for so long that it woke me up. Their lucky ink hasn't woken up from all the noise they are making. I'm pretty sure the only reason ink hasn't woken up is because of how tired he is. Turning towards ink I pull him closer to me. Hugging him close not expecting him to move towards me as well. My thoughts start to wonder off.

I wish you would tell me what's wrong ink? What's going on so that I can help you? I know I can't trust des. They don't have the full story. No matter how many times they tell me something I can't be sure it's the truth. And I don't think your friends that know, know the full story and just were there for the ride of a part of it. Only you know what is going on but I need you to tell me so that I can help. Your one of the only few that understands what it truly is to be a god with major consequences that affect everyone. After all we are one of the oldest of things alive.

I care for you ink and it breaks me seeing you so tired. So hurt. The only thing I could do is try to make you smile and feel loved. It makes me feel so angry and helpless. Angry that I don't know what's going on. That I can't help you more. That I could have done something earlier.

Hugging ink a little closer as I try to drown out the sounds of the shouts of everyone down stairs. Trying to erase my thoughts as well but my mind decided to fill my head with different possibilities of what could have hurt ink so badly that he was dieing. Rembering how reaper shouted that earlier today. That thought becoming more present then my previouse ones. But before I could spiral deeper into those thoughts it became silent. Longer then it has been since all the shouting has started. The only sound that could be registered was inks rapid breathing.

Wait is ink having a nightmare? I thought we couldn't have those? Can we? Is it something else? Then what else could it be? Forget that I need to wake up ink. I looked at ink as a few inky tears fell down his cheekbones. Just as I was about to shake ink awake two deathly auras surrounded the whole house.

Ink shot up from the bed immediately. My grip on him being lost. Made me feel a bit empty. I look at ink who's face was panicked then confused as he soon felt the same aura. He looked at me confused.

"What's going on ruru?" Questioned ink.

"Im not sure kiki but I'm about to find out." I growled with frustration as I looked at ink. He still looked as tired as before. Maybe even worse. Calming down I continued to say, "Stay here. Okay Inky. I'll go check on what's going on."

"N-No. I'll go with you. Besides I'm worried about them and I don't want them fighting." Ink argued back.

"Ink you are exhausted. You stay here and get some more rest while I handle what ever is going on okay."

"Please ruru. I won't be able to fall asleep and I want to make sure they aren't arguing about something stupid." Ink objected while mumbling something in the end that I couldn't quite catch in time.

Sighing in defeat I agreed. No point in arguing. Besides I'm not mad at ink. I'm mad at the others for being so loud for no reason. Can't they just stay quiet for a few minutes and let ink rest. It doesn't even have to be ink sleeping just him laying down and not worrying about those idiots would do the same.

I get out of bed and stretch a bit before helping ink out. He was struggling to stand straight so I lend him my hand. He looked at me scared and confused at first before taking it and relaxing a bit.

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