22:Nap Time

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Art does not belong to me all credit goes to the original artists. By the way I think the art is just so cute UwU.

Errors pov
I watched the whole thing. The fight between reaper and cross. If I'm being honest the whole fight was stupid. I honestly wish I could be eating popcorn while watching this whole thing go down. Their both spilling tea and the drama reminds me of when I watch undernova.

The argument continued and some how ink got ropped into it but the way they both mention ink worries me. Reaper looks traumatized and angry, while cross looks guilty and hurt. They both talk about him like they know something the other doesn't. What could have possibly happened to ink that makes them act and argue like this. The suspense is killing me. The whole room was silent after what reaper said about ink.

"Ink was dying for 3 months cross. I tried to call you and tell you but ink didnt want to bother you. I listened to ink since it was him who was dying not me. I'm sorry I should have told you. Really." Reaper said, voice void of emotion. Cross looked shocked and hurt of the news he just heard. I mean his own brother dying and he didn't know. I also couldn't, no wouldn't believe what reaper said. For 3 fucking months and I didn't know didn't care that ink was gone. That he was dying.

I looked over to see what the others reaction were but what surprised me was that only reaper, classic, geno, and lust had sorrow filled faces. While everyone looked shocked and confussed. How come they knew but I didn't.

I looked over to ink for some sort of answer. He just looked right past me like I was invisable. I inspected a bit closer and he looked so tired like he was on the verge of collapsing. He gave me a shaky smile as his eyelights started to roll to the back of his skull his eyelids closing. Slowly falling backwards I panicked and wrapped my strings around him before his skull even hit the ground. I slowly pulled him towards me as I moved any objects out of the way and layed him on the ground.

I cradled him in my arms not wanting to loose him. Was he dying like reaper said. Did they fix that problem or-. No error, ink is fine. He'll be fine. He'll wake up. I know it. I just need to stay calm. Steadying my breathing. I hugged ink a little tighter not wanting to lose the smaller skeleton.

I know that everyone else was talking screaming, panicking, but I just didn't care. They dont matter. Only ink does. I felt someone try to get closer to me and ink but I just growled. No ones touching my ink except for me. I just hope he'll wake up and smile happily again.

Sometime had pass and I'm not sure how long he's been out. An hour, 5 min but I continued to cradled him in my arms refusing to let go until he wakes up.

I looked down on his face and saw him scrunch his face. He soon started shifting and squirming in my grip. A smile spread across my face. Finally he wakes up.

"Ink!" I shouted in excitmen as I hugged him for the thousand time today. I was just so happy he was finally awake. My haphephobia doesn't even act up when I touch him.

"Broomie?" Ink said confused as he stared right at me. Like bitch do I look like your ugly brush. How can he think about that brush when it's clearly me. I swear I'm going to kill that stupid paint brush when inks not looking.

"No ink it's me error." I replied dryly.

"Error!? What happened? " Ink asked as his eyelights focused back.

"You passed out and you had me worried sick don't ever do that to me again okay you idiot. "

"I'm sorry error. You shouldn't have worried about me. I didn't mean to pass out. I'm sorry. " Ink said to me as if he would know he was going to pass out.

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