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Video is not mine all credit goes to the original creator. I like this video. Its drawing/animation is really good as well as the song.

Errors pov
After giving ink a blanket and pillow I left to go to my own room but I couldn't shake the feeling that I should be with ink right now. I shook the feeling away as I continue going to my room. I wonder why did destruction sound so gentle and worried when they spoke to ink earlier. I mean didn't they hate ink with a passion or something. What made them change in that incident? I might as well ask that brat about it.

"Yo destruction are you around here!" I shouted.

"Yah I'm here. What do you want?" They said in an annoyed tone.

"Why did you sound like you actually about ink back there."

"I uh. Well. Ink is like my m-. Why should I tell you anything! It's none of your bussiness!" They said their voice changing from stuttering to shouting aggresivly.

"What do you mean it's none of my business! I am clearly worried and I care about ink and you have something to do with it. You are connected to me as well. After all you've been with me since I woke up in that void. So clearly this is also my business." I said as my voice got higher from each sentence.

"You don't need to know anything about our relationship."

"What do you mean I don't need to know? You seem to clearly hate ink and even say horrible things to him as if it wouldn't affect him. Then out of no where you show concern for him. What happened between the two of you? What's your relationship with him? How does he know you? And who is that other voice? Answer me!" They stayed silent for a while. "Got nothing to say." I added on.

"Shut up it's complicated. You don't understand anything of what I have been through." They yelled angrily. I grone in pain a little when they shouted. I mean this was all in my head. As the pain went away I realized how stupid they where to say that. I mean do they even know what ink has been through and what their putting him through. Which they clearly don't their just stupid brats that don't understand anything.

"Yah and you seem to clearly know what ink has been through." I said using their words against them. They stayed silent for a minute or two as if they had a relization. As if could care.

"I'm out." They said angrily as they left to go where ever they go. I sure am greatful that ink was able to separate that voice from me. They are so annoying I wish I could murder them. That reminds me I have to go murder swap paps soon. I snap out of my thoughts as realized I was standing in front of my bedroom door.

I open the door and go inside. I close the door behind me as I look at my room. It was an average room. The walls and ceiling where painted white. The floor was wooden and I didn't have anything on my walls since I don't like decorations. I had my own bathroom in my room. My bed was a Queen Size bed with black covers. Ink would definitely fit in my bed with me in it. Maybe I should go get him. I shake the thought out of my head ink seemed set on staying on the couch. I'll just leave him be.

I snap my fingers to lazy to change myself. I changed into some black sweat pants and a plain white t-shirt. I go over to my bed and threw myself on it. I try to get comfy but thoughts kept going through my head.

Ink said he would explain to us what happened maybe he'll also can answer the questions that I have. Speaking of ink. Is he okay. It's looks so tired like he hasn't slept for months. It also seems like he isn't eating with how light he ways. I also keep getting this nagging feeling that I should go check on him and see if he's okay. Maybe something is wrong? Is he even really sleeping? Ugh I'm just over thinking things. I try to ignore the feeling and close my eyelids to sleep consunme me. Slowly I fell into a restless sleep.

Destruction pov
I left Error I wasn't about to deal with his questions. If anyone was willing to answer them it would be ink. But what he said about me not knowing what ink has been through. Of course I know I have been with him since the day he found me and creation. He never talked about himself though only us.

I might as well explore this place. I was attached to error kinda like cross chara except I don't have a physical body I'm just a voice. Although I can do the same thing creation did to ink. I can make some sort of physical form with the ink inside ink. I don't need to sleep or eat so I might as well just keep looking around until someone wakes up so I can bugg them.

Time skip~

It's been a few hours of me exploring the castle and I ended up in the living room where ink was supposed to be sleeping. Why is he awake? And what is he doing? I start to hear small whimpers from him. He was also mumbling something to himself over and over. What happened to him that caused that? Maybe error was right. Do I really know anything that happened to ink.

I know that day where everything happened and fell apart. It was also the day I started to hate ink and creation. I never got his side of the story and assumed he was against me. I mean he was like a mom to me we even called him that. Was I wrong? No I can't be. Whatever I'll just leave it doesn't matter right now. I'll check on him later I'm sure he'll be fine. It's not like I care about him either way

Inks pov
I sat up. What happened? Where am I? Oh wait that's right I was in nightmares castle. And what I experienced before was all just a dream. Who am I kidding their just memories of my past.

Except for the one with them in it. But it's not possible they can't be back. Right? They said that they where going to come get me but it can't be true right. It was just a dream. Only a dream. Please let it only be a dream. I something flow down my cheek I was crying. I continued to cry silently as I mumble to myself over and over. Your fine. Your okay. They aren't back. They're gone. Please be only a dream.

I was able to calm down after a little. Still having a few tears and my breath was a little uneasy. I hope no one noticed but who would even care if they did. Maybe I should cut a little to distract myself from everything. No one will notice. No one will care. Just one can't hurt anyone. My body shaking as I reach into my jacket pocket for my pocket knife that I carry every where.

What time is it anyways? I quickly look at a clock on the wall. It was 3 am. Only 3 hours of sleep or probably less since I woke earlier. Everyone should be asleep so it should be fine if I just cut here. I roll up my sleves reveling the old bandages. I unwrap the bandages slowly. I tighten my grip on my knife and start cutting.

One. Two. Three. I lost count on how many cuts I did to myself. Once I started I just couldn't stop. I had no control of myself. My arms where now covered in blood. I didn't know where anything was so I grab my old bandages and rewrap my new cuts. I hope no one notices. Why would they care anyways. I'm just a stupid waste of space that should have been dead.

I notice that I was still crying. I wipe the tears away quickly and smile. I keep smiling even when a few tears escape. I'm fine. Once the tears where all dried I wonder what I was going to do next. I know I should sleep more especially since I haven't slept for a whole week before being tortured by creation. I guess I can explore the castle what's the harm in that. I look at the time an hour has passed. I wonder what I will discover.

I still felt very tired but there was no way I was sleeping at all. I get off the couch. Feeling a little dizzy I grab on to the edge of the couch to keep my balance. I let go no longer feeling dizzy as I go off to explore.

Authors note
So I was going to post this yesterday but I got lazy and posted it today. The next chapter will be here soon. I can't wait to write more of the story and I am super greatful for everyone who reads my story. I'm surprised people even like this story. I hope this chapter wasn't boring for you or to long. Well that's all I had to say. Have a great day, night, evening or whenever you are reading this. Bye bye UwU.

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