16. My only light

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Chapter written by Aaku_14


I could feel my soul being sucked in. Struggling felt hopeless but I couldn't just give up. I tried my best to push him away but my strength didn't match up to my desperation to not vanish.

Suddenly his hold on my neck loosened and the next moment he completely let go of my neck. And he dropped down on his knees.

"Don't come near me." I could hear Manik's (Siya) voice tremble. What the hell was going on?

"So problematic." A voice made me look up  and there stood a person dressed in black a few metres away from us. He looked at me and then Manik. I could see the horrified expression on Manik's face and it didn't take me much to realize that he was the grim reaper. "Get out of that human body while I am being nice."

"Stay out of this. This human is willingly letting me consume his soul." Manik (Siya) said, holding onto the ground. I could feel her soul struggle just in the presence of that guy.

"That's not for you to decide and not for me to be bothered with. I don't care even if he wants to live or die, my task is to eliminate those who hurt humans and you just did. So-" He streched his hand towards Manik and I could sense the immense power radiating from his hand. The next moment Siya's soul was thrown out of Manik's body and Manik collapsed on the ground.

Before I could even register anything, I saw her hand disappear like smoke. She screamed in pain and agony. And the next moment she was gone. She vanished right in front of my eyes like a puff of red smoke.

I could feel a lump arise in my throat. I didn't want her to disappear. No matter how cruel one may be, they deserved a chance, that's what I believed.

"Such desperation to live from a ghost is quite a rare sight to witness." The person said, looking at me. "Good luck." His corner of mouth stretched into a smug smile before he disappeared in thin air.

Everything that had happened in front of my eyes felt so surreal and I was still having a hard time understanding the things going around. But that wasn't the problem right now, Manik was.

I reached him. He was still unconscious. I shook him a bit and blew air all over his face to wake him up. My efforts didn't go in vain as I saw his eyes flutter open.

"Manik are you okay?" I asked but he didn't say anything and neither did he move. He just laid there, staring at the dark ceiling, letting his own thoughts consume him.

"Manik." I called and he looked at me. I could see sadness crystal clear in his eyes and he didn't try to hide it either.

"Where am I?" He finally spoke something and I felt a little relieved.

"In some isolated garage near the night bar. Doesn't this place look like a scene from a cliche movie where the hero saves the heroine?" I said in the hope of lightening up his mood.

He didn't say anything. He just let out a sigh before getting up from the floor and dusting away his clothes. He looked at me, not me, particularly my neck.

"Don't worry. I am fine." I assured him and he looked away.

"I am sorry." He apologized in a low tone.

"The word sorry does not suit from the mouth of an arrogant monster."

"Still I am sorry and-" He hesitated.


"Thank you." His voice was almost inaudible but I heard it.

"For what?" I asked.

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