26. A fated encounter?!

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Chapter written by Aaku_14

A week later

Haunted house. What a joke!

I was currently in the haunted house of the amusement park. It was my third time here, not because I enjoyed it, it was just so that I could distract my mind from her. There were ghost traps here and there but they were just silly props at least that's what I felt. I walked deeper into the so called haunted house. A fake vampire suddenly jumped in front of me surprising me.

No I wasn't scared, just surprised.

"Hah what a fake!" I said pushing the vampire away. It sure was dark in here but it wasn't completely dark. There were artificial candles lit throughout the corridor, so the darkness was more than bearable for me. Then next I saw a path filled with skeletons.

"This things don't scare me anymore." I shook my head lightly. If she was here, she would probably have laughed over this freaking props.

Right then a person's laughter hit my ears. "Oh my god and they call this scary? This isn't even near to horror." I heard a girl's voice from behind. The voice felt kind of familiar but I wasn't so sure about it. I hurriedly put on my mask and cap. Well I didn't want anyone recognizing me.

"Wow! is this some kind of a new prop? It's quite tall and-" She came in front of me. Like me her hat and mask covered almost all her face excluding her eyes. "hmm nice build as well." She streched out her hand to touch me but I immediately stepped away.

"I am not a prop. I am a visitor like you." I clarified.

"Oh sorry." She stepped a step back. "I thought you were a prop. You know like a masked hot ghost."

Masked hot ghost. Was that a compliment?

"Ah it's okay. So-" I paused. "umm I'll go first."

"Uh wait! well if you don't mind could you keep me company till the end of the tunnel?"


"The actual phrase would be I need someone to ramble about my situation. So would you like to hear me?" She paused for a while or so. Honestly I really didn't know what to say to her. "Like I know this sounds pretty suspicious and may be even irritating. A person asking you to listen to their situation out of nowhere. But well isn't it good to ramble about your situation to strangers? And we are going the same way plus you can tell me your situation if you have any and of course only if you want to. Well you can reject my offer if you want to?"

"Eh you speak quite a lot." I smiled awkwardly. I must admit she seemed quite outgoing but at the same time a little strange.

"Well that's one among my million positive traits." She said proudly.

I smiled melancholy, remembering her. She used to say those exact same words.


"Fine. We are going the same way anyway." I accepted. I wasn't so fond of listening to other people's situation when my own situation was so worse. But then unlike other girls she kind of reminded me of her. So I just gave in.

"Thank you." She said ever so cheerfully and I knew she had been grinning behind her mask. "So you see I came here with my friends today and I was really so excited to spend time with them after like such a long time. But guess what they brought me here for me to meet a guy and I just made a close escape. Like a freaking blind date without my permission. I just don't get it when they say I am lonely and that I need a guy. C'mon I have so many friends. Why would I be lonely? Okay I zone out from time to time but that's just how it is."

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