19. Mistake?!

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Chapter written by Aaku_14


"Dude you really look like you are in a bad condition today. Didn't you catch even an ounce of sleep?" Cabir's voice made me raise my head from in between my hands. He had been munching cookies that too early in the morning. Sigh! such a big foodie.

"I just couldn't. Cabir I think I made a mistake, a grave mistake." I voiced out.

"Mistake? What exactly did you do?" He inquired, sitting beside me, as he crumbled the cookies packet in his hand and aimed it at the dustbin nearby.

"I just did something I shouldn't have done. Urghhh why in the world did I do that?" That scene from a few hours ago popped in my head yet again and I instantly buried my head in between my palm trying not to think about it.

"Yess score." I heard Cabir say before he gently patted my head, making me look at him. "C'mon dude mistakes are made by humans. So it's okay." He smiled before withdrawing back his hand. "Now tell me what exactly did you do?"

"I don't even know where to begin with." I let out a slow breath, clasping my hands together. "Like I was feeling a bit tipsy after all that drink. And I ended up kissing someone."

"Wait! What? You kissed?" He sounded pretty surprised. I clearly hadn't expected this kind of reaction from him.

"That's what happened."

"Congratulations dude. You finally lost your first kiss to someone." Now he was smiling like a total idiot. "Uh so you proceeded any further than that?"

"No." I denied almost immediately.

"That's sad but at least you did something. It's a huge progress. So whom did you kiss?" He pried.

"You don't need to know." I looked away from him.

"Oh c'mon Manik. I absolutely need to know. " He shook me a bit. "You ought to tell me who she is. I really really am curious to know."

"It's just someone."

"And who's that someone?" He wasn't going to let go of this matter, not so easily. Why the hell did I even tell him in the first place?

"Someone you don't know."

"Okay then show me her picture." He forwarded his hand towards me, probably asking for my phone.

"I don't have one." How would I even capture a ghost in a camera?

"You aren't lying, are you?"

"Have I ever lied to you?"

"Never." He paused. "Wow so do you mean you kissed an unknown random girl?" He sounded excited when I myself wasn't.

"I didn't mean that. I know her."

"And who's she?" He asked yet again.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Then make it believable enough." He smiled and I just felt like punching him.

"Okay fine. I kissed a ghost." I blurted out.

"A ghost!" He let out a sigh. "You really must be feeling lonely. I get it. I'll set you up with someone very beautiful." He patted my shoulder. "Just trust this friend of yours."

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