37. Love in my memory

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So before starting let me publicize my new story a bit ;p.

So if you are willingly to read a love after marriage story then do check out my new story "Married to my best friend" in my other profile Aaku_14

I know you guys loved the relationship between the arrogant monster and his dear little shameless ghost in this story. If you want to witness such a relationship again then please do check it out!



"My mum always told me that people become stars when they die." Manik said with his eyes fixed to the artificial glowing ceiling.

"But I became a ghost."

"Are you trying to say what my mum said was wrong?" He shifted his gaze to me and he looked a bit offended.

"No." I denied. "Every ghost is a soul but every soul isn't a ghost. Smaran said this to me when I first met him and you know he also said that only those people who have resentment become ghost That means your mum lived a peaceful happy life and she had no resentments. So she isn't a ghost. In fact she might be a star up there."

"I hope what you said is true."

"Of course it's true. You should believe me."

"How can I believe in a freaking shameless ghost like you?" He averted his gaze to the ceiling again.

"Hah the arrogant monster is back." I shook my head lightly as I stared at him. He wore a long face as he stared up at the sparkling ceiling. His eyes looked lost and distant and seeing that, I felt a squishy feeling in my heart.

"Manik tell me about your mum." I said after a moment of silence.

"My mum!" He smiled wistfully. "She was the person who loved me the most in this world. I remember just a handful of the moments I spent with her but the memories I remember are worth cherishing for my whole lifetime. You know just like me she could see ghosts too but she was never depressed. She never hated them and she even helped the ghosts. She was like an angel."

"So your ability is hereditary?"

"I am not sure." He looked at me. "When she was alive I couldn't see them but after she died, I started seeing them. It was really scary. May be this ghost seeing ability is transferable. May be if I die, this ability will be transferred to someone else. Who knows?"

"But you said you stopped seeing them for a while right?"

"Yeah I did for exactly four years and I don't know why? It all started when I was 7 years old when my mother died and then I stopped seeing them when I was in college. When I think about it now, it was after I met Cabir and the others that I stopped seeing them."

"Don't tell me my handsome boy has the ability to stop making you see ghosts?"

"He doesn't okay? If he truly did then I wouldn't have started seeing ghosts again. And stop calling him my handsome boy. It sounds so irritating." He huffed.

I let out a laugh. "Hey, why do you I smell jealousy?"

"Hah jealous. Who? Me? Why would I be?"

"You should know why." I smiled.

"I am not jealous. Okay?"

"Yeah yeah absolutely not jealous." I said in a teasing tone and he huffed.

"Whatever you say wouldn't change the way I feel."

"So you mean you have feelings for me?"

"Yeah. I hate you so much and hatred is a kind of feeling too." He was lying. I could figure it out just by looking at his face.

"Such poor lying skills." I shook my head lightly and for a moment or so none of us spoke. He just stared at the glowing ceiling and I just stared at him.

"Manik you know what, you are really great." I said breaking the silence.

"So you finally you realize my greatness." He didn't look at me as he said that.

"I did that a long time ago. Your mum must be proudly watching you from up there. So cheer up."

He looked at me in daze. "Damn this is all so annoying. Sometimes I really feel that you can look through me."

And suddenly everything went dark.

"Hey you dropped-" I heard someone say but before I could turn to look at that person, I heard a screeching sound of tyres. I looked towards the sound source only to see a car coming towards me in full speed.

"Aaaahhhhhh." I screamed as I got up with a jerk. That was when I realized I was dreaming. It was all a dream. No in fact those were the memories I had forgotten.


I had just finished talking with the doctor when I heard Nandini's scream from inside the private ward. I rushed inside, along with the doctor only to see her hyperventilating.

"Nandini are you okay?" I reached her bed. She looked at me with thick fat tears in her eyes.

"Hey I am sorry. It's all my fault. I am really sorry." It was all my fault. If only I hadn't taken her to the garden of souls, she wouldn't have fainted. The doctor told me that she had fainted from extreme pressure on her brain.

She shook her head lightly as she wound her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug. "I am sorry for not remembering you. I am sorry I took this long to remember you." Her voice cracked.

My body stiffened as she said that. She got her memories back. "You remember?" I still couldn't believe it.

"How can I forget my arrogant yet sweet monster?" She hugged me tighter and I hugged her back. I could see my vision getting blurry and before I even realized tears began swaying down my eyes.

I thought I was fine with her not remembering me but guess I wasn't.

"You won't leave me again, right?" I asked, unsure.

"I never willingly left and I'll never to. I love you."

"You what?" I broke the hug and looked at her. She still had tears in her eyes.

"I love you. I love you Manik Malhotra." She emphasized each and every word as she looked straight into my eyes. She knew I needed an assurance and she just gave me one.

"I love you too. I love you a lot."


Alert: We are soon heading to the finale of Freaking romance. So grab on to your hearts because their ending might be freaking romantic or may be it might turn out to be freaking devastating.

Stay safe. Stay happy.
And don't forget to check out my new story.
Love ❤️

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