28. A new start

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Chapter written by Aaku_14


"You are really great Nandini. You were always great and you will always be." He said as he burst into tears.

"Uh-hhh." I was really confused as to why he was crying. He opened his mask, breathing hysterically. Seeing his tears made me feel really bad but even while crying he still looked charming and cute. Damn what was I even thinking?!

"Hey are you okay?"

He frantically shook his head in 'yes' covering his eyes with his one hand. It took him a while to calm down but when he calmed down, he held my hand lightly. And I could feel a slight tremor in his hand.

Was he by any chance still scared because of the ghost incident?

"You are really here." He spoke out ever so softly gazing me in my eyes. His eyes held a different emotion- was it sadness, no it was longing.

"Huh?" I was confused. Did he know me or did he mistake me for someone else? "Do you know me? Did Navya tell you about me?"

"Navya? Does she know you?"

"Not personally but we do have a business relationship. My team is-" Right then my phone buzzed. "responsible for the stage, sound and lighting arrangements." With my other free hand I reached for my phone.

'Aryaman' name flashed on my screen. "Umm I have to take this call. So-" I looked at his hand which was holding mine.

"Oh, sorry." He said as he withdrew his hand but it seemed as though he didn't want to let go off my hand. Was it just my feeling? Whatever!

"Hello!" I picked up the call after moving a few steps away from him.

"Nandini there's a problem. Uncle accepted Maddy's proposal."

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard you said to uncle that you would rather marry a guy who would profit the business than marry someone from blind dates."

"Yea I did but-"

"So he chose Maddy for you."

"What!" I was shocked. "I was just saying that to avoid going on blind dates. Did he really take that seriously?"

"Unfortunately yes and tonight you are having a family dinner along with Maddy's family." He informed.

"I am not coming." I firmly denied.

"Uncle told me to tell you if you don't come tonight, he would stop taking his medicines."

"What the-" I huffed."He always uses that card to blackmail me. Is he even my dad?"

"Unfortunately yes he is."

"Hey can't you do something for me?"

"Like what?"

"Uh like be my pretend boyfriend." I said and for a moment the line went silent. "Hello! Arya."

"Do you think he will buy it? I am not blood related but still I am your cousin." He finally spoke out.

"Yeah that won't work. I am coming home right now. Okay bye." I said and cut the call.

I turned around to find Manik looking at me. I thought he would have just left but he was still there.

"Um so I have a lot of things to ask you about how you started seeing ghosts and all but right now I have to leave. So can you give me your phone number?" I paused. "I promise not to give your phone number to anyone and I promise to call you just once to ask you about the dozens of questions that are running-"

"Your phone." He forwarded his hand towards me and I gave him my phone after unlocking it. He saved his number in my phone. In fact he even saved my number in his phone. I seriously thought he wouldn't give me his number.

"Thank you. I promise to bother you just once." I smiled. "And can I take a picture with you as a sign of memento, only if you don't mind?"

"I would gladly." He smiled before stepping closer to me. I took a few photos with him and just when I was about to step away, he spoke out. "One photo from my phone too."

He then took a few photo of us from his phone too. Was he always like this? As far as I had heard he never clicked any photos with his fans. But well I was more of Cabir's fan than his and I wasn't so head over heels for them. I just loved their songs.

"It was nice meeting you. I'll take my leave."

"Shall I drop you?" Did I just hear it right?


"I mean you helped me back in the haunted house. I just want to return back the favour. So shall I drop you?" He asked.

"Oh no it's fine. I can-" When I said that he looked at me with a sullen face and as I looked into his eyes, I just didn't feel like declining him. "Okay." I gave in.

He smiled on hearing me. I told him the location as we walked up to his car in the parking lot and before leaving I even left a message for my friends.

"So when did you start seeing ghosts?" I asked, putting on the seat belt.


"I started seeing them again ten months ago." I said as I started the engine.

"Again? What do you mean by again?"

"I started seeing ghost when I was 7 years old but then at one time I suddenly stopped seeing them."

"You stopped seeing them? So you mean there's a way to not see them?" She asked.

"Yeah may be. I am not sure myself. I actually even don't know how and when I stopped seeing them."

"Then how did you start seeing them again?" She pried.

I looked her for a brief second before turning my eyes back to the road. For a moment I felt like telling her about her time as a soul but I didn't. "I am not sure." I lied. "What about you?"

"I woke up from coma six months ago and when I woke up, my eyes had this unbelievable ability of seeing ghost."

I tightened my hold on the steering wheel. The thought of losing her gripped my heart yet again, making my heart feel heavy.

"It must have been painful."

"Yeah very much. The most painful part was the rehabilitation training that I had to endure for a month. But that phase is now over. I am just so glad that I am alive."

"I am too." I mumbled.


"Nothing." I shook my head lightly.

I am not sure if you guys are liking it after the leap or not but then have a little more patience guys. Because soon the plot's going to spice up and it's truly going to be 'Freaking romance.'

And please don't forget to drop your comments.

So see you guys in the next chapter. My exams are almost on the doorsteps. So wish me luck and if you guys are having exams too. Then all the best.

Stay safe. Stay happy.
Love ❤️

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